chapter nine🦥

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"I like you"

"I..I like you too.."



Muichiro ran out of the butterfly residence, his eyes filling with tears, he ran inside the garden where they had first met, Oyakata-sama was sitting on a bench, he felt the presence of Muichiro.

"Is Tokito here?"

Tears streaming down his face like a waterfall, he was sitting under a tree crying when he heard Oyakata's voice, he followed the voice and sat beside him, still sobbing uncontrollably

"Is something wrong Tokito?"

"Tan- Tanjiro likes some-one else..she confessed infront of meee!!"

"Oh my dear Tokito, life sometimes doesn't give us what we are expecting, the real gift is life itself"

"But- but I want him"

"You shouldn't feel jealous Muichiro, you should be happy for them"

"I- I just can't be happy for them! I tried bu-t I just couldn't.."

"It's ok Muichiro, just keep trying"

"I will.. thank you Oyakata-sama...I will take my leave now"

"You have my permission"

Muichiro left the garden, tears still running down his face.

"But Oyakata-sama.. Tanjiro was the one who cleared the mist and brought the sunshine in my life, he is the only one I need, I can never like someone as much as I liked Tanjiro.."

"I understand that he is the one who you love with all your heart, but you can't always have what you want, keep trying" Oyakata-sama thought to himself sitting in the bench.


"You started dating Tanjiro, Kanao?!" Shinobu asked, feeling sorry for Muichiro.

Kanao nodded in response, she and Tanjiro had started dating last week. Muichiro kept asking to go to missions everyday, he couldn't bear the thought of Tanjiro and Kanao together. He distanced himself from Tanjiro, he never came to the garden, Tanjiro would wait for hours but Muichiro never showed up.

"Did I do something wrong.. Muichiro-san has stopped showing up..he never speaks to me, when ever I approach him, he always walks away without saying anything..." Tanjiro thought to himself,he was sitting at the bench where they used to sat but now it was only him.

Muichiro was looking at the burgundy haired boy who sat there, he felt sorry but he couldn't go,he knew if he'd go there, Tanjiro will start talking about his relationship which he couldn't bear to hear, Muichiro snapped out of his thoughts when he saw that same girl who took his crush away from him,Kanao walked up to Tanjiro and sat where Muichiro used to sit. "THAT BITCH DARE SIT WITH MY TANJIRO IN MY SIT!!!" His blood boiling hot, he walked up to the couple and said "that's actually my sit, so could you pls move?" He was trying his best not to slap her, Kanao notted and got up from the sit she looked at Tanjiro who got up from his seat aswell.

Oh konichiwa Tokito-kun, meet Kanao! My girlfriend" Tanjiro blushed after saying the last part.

"Tokito..? He stopped calling me by my first name..?his girlfriend..?it should have been me who should be his boyfriend not her.." Muichiro thought to himself, tears where starting to form in his eyes, Kanao looked at Tanjiro again and they both left the garden, "I have to go Tokito-kun, meet you tomorrow if you will come"

"He started to doubt me..? He didn't trust me anymore..."

Tears streaming down his face,as he watched the happy couple leave the garden

"I need to repair atleast my friendship with him..or else..I will loose him forever.."

Here's time for a Taisho Era secret!

They say, Muichiro is depressed,emo, and gay!!

^°•word count:646•°^

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