chapter eleven 😥😰

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The Sun pierced though his curtains, both of them were still holding eachother closely while sleeping, Muichiro woke up and his face heat up after he realised that he was sleeping closely with Tanjiro, Tanjiro was still asleep, holding him closely like a stuff toy with his chin resting on the other male's head. Muichiro didn't move because he didn't want to ruin the moment, he pretended like he never woke up and fell asleep with Tanjiro again.

But that beautiful moment had to be disturbed by his annoying crow.

"WAKE UP YOU FOOLS" the crow was mad at Muichiro, he was replacing his crow with a bratty kid!

They both got up, Tanjiro was rubbing his eyes while Muichiro was still on the futan, refusing to wake up and wanted Tanjiro to sleep a bit more, more like he wanted Tanjiro to cuddle him like he was doing before.

"Come on Tanjiro..why don't sleep for a bit longer? It is like 5 in the morning or something.."

"But..I thought we could get ready and go out like yesterday.."

"Ok forget about sleeping, let's get ready soon"

Ok then! I will get ready and make breakfast while you decide where we will go today?!"

"Sounds good"

"Ok then!So let's hurry so we won't be late!"

"Okie!" Muichiro was so happy, first he got to go out and sleep with Tanjiro, now he can go out with him again!

Tanjiro took a bath,got dressed and went to cook them some rice and boiled eggs.

"Aye Muichiro, do you perhaps have milk?"

"Oh yea I do! It's over there"

"Ok then!"

He made them some boiled eggs, rice and milk, While Muichiro got dressed and was deciding where to go today.

~With Kanao and Nezuko~

While the boys were wandering around, the female slayer and her friend was wandering around the village, the demon that Kanao thought was gonna be powerful was just a weak demon, who she and Nezuko defeated in just a few minutes.

After they were done, Kanao thought why not spent sometime here, she wasn't alone and she did have Nezuko with her so why not stay and explore the village they were in, Nezuko was going here and there looking at things with her mussle in her mouth, Kanao was just looking at her while she looked around the place.

"Tanjiro has such a cute sister" she thought to herself, they went to eat food, Kanao buyed Nezuko something too, even tho being a demon, she enjoyed the human made food she was given, Kanao had never seen Nezuko without her mussle.

"She looks so pretty, her eyes, her hair, everything about her is beautiful.. wait what am I thinking, I don't like her do I? No no I can't!! I am with Tanjiro and what will Shinobu nii-san think..If I fell in love with a girl..No No I am not in love with her!" Kanao thought to herself as Nezuko was eating her food,they both would go to different places in the village and every now and then, Kanao would blush at Nezuko, While Nezuko was enjoying everything.

"I will have to break up with Tanjiro...I am in love with his sister..I can't continue this relationship...I hope Tanjiro will still be my friend...but what about Shinobu nii-san...what will I say to her....Will she accept me as can't like a demon..I am a slayer..but Nezuko is different..she is like a human but looks like a demon...It doesn't matter right..?"

Kanao's mind was running with these kind of thoughts as she and her now crush Nezuko were coming back to the butterfly mansion after almost a week staying in that village, the villagers let them live in a hotel there for free because they saved their lives.

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