Chapter 5: Confrontations and Future Conflict

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Y/N pov 2
"Uh... hi?" Ink said.  It sounded more like a question.  The daggers pinned Ink against the tree by his clothes.  Not one injuring him. 

"Ink, why tf are you stalking me!?"  You ask. 

"Uhhhhh, I-I'm t-taking a walk! Oh- haha- Y/N! Fancy meeting you here! Ha. Ha. Haaa..." Ink replied nervously.  You responded by simply staring at Ink with your eyebrows raised. 

"You don't believe me... do you?" Ink said less nervous.  You once again replied by glaring at Ink. 

"Ok you can stop now, starting to freak me out a little..." Ink said starting to get nervous again. 

"We're going home."  You said, as you took your daggers out one by one out of the tree.  You couldn't get one from the tree.  Curse your shortness.  You solved this problem by sticking another dagger in the tree and using it as a step, then removing it after you got the dagger. 

Ink snorted while trying to sneak away.  Finally, his bad sense of humor is to your advantage for once.  You once again throw a dagger toward Ink pinning his scarf to a tree. 

"They keep telling you to get rid of that thing.  It provides an advantage to your enemies in battle."  You say while smirking at Ink.  You take your dagger out of the tree once again and hold Ink by his scarf.  Ink laughed that you had to almost stand up on your tip toes to reach it. 

"Let's go home you numbskull." You say while flicking Ink on the head.  Ink teleported himself and you home after not-so-much convincing. 

"DREAM!" You practically screeched.  Dream came rushing down the hall. 

"What is it Y/N-" he paused seeing Ink has been captured.  Ink gave Dream a nervous smile. 

"What is this?!" You ask Dream. 

"I believe that is an Ink."  Dream said. 

"But do you mind telling me why he was, pff I don't know, STALKING ME!?" You say slightly angrily.  Dream looked rather nervous at this point. 

Dream sighs before saying: "look.  Meet me in my office we can talk about it during dinner." 

NM POV (oOoOoOooOo)
It's been a few hours... but I still can't get them out of my head! Sure, they're the kid of one of the greatest guards who I ever faced, but... they actually got a hit on me! And, how'd they do that in her nightmare!?  My victims can't usually do anything in their nightmares... the most they can do is what they would do in their typical life.  But they teleported! They took control of their nightmare... unless they can teleport without being in their own head, which I highly doubt considering they're a human.  I can't even get any work done cause I'm too busy pondering what to do about them.  They could be a problem in the future, from what I saw, they may be better in battle than Dream... I could kill them off if they don't kill the assassin first... ah shoot what do I do with this guard?!
"Boss?" Error interrupted my thoughts. 
"Yes Error?" I sighed. 
"You ok?" Error asked.
"Yes... I'm fine. " I growled. 
"Ok.  Then you would be happy to find out that Cher's been captured last night." Error said casually. 
I breathed in deeply trying to keep my composure. 
"Do we have any information on who did it?"  I asked rubbing my temple. 
"We believe they went after one of the less experienced commanders.  In fact, we believe they started just a few days ago."  Error said.  I clenched my fist and banged it on the table. 
"I-I should probably leave." Error said getting nervous and taking a step  back. 
"Yes. Yes I think you should."  I said.  My tentacles shot out of my back threateningly, and I glared daggers toward Error as he scurried out of the room. 
What am I gonna do with this captain? They captured one of my most valuable assassins! Judging by the way they ran out of that room, they didn't even break a sweat! 
I wouldn't usually say this but man is Dream lucky they're on his side... yes.  Very lucky indeed. 
"Say, I think I have a plan for our next attack..." I said while grinning.
Time to give someone a visit.

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