Chapter 48: The End

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Ringing was all I could here. I couldn't open my eyes.
A voice called out to me. A light. A guide. I followed the light.
A white light sat in the middle of the void I was stuck in. I reached out and touched it.
A scene was laid out in front of me.
A crowd of people surrounded a tree. No. The tree. The tree of feelings.
I pushed my way through the crowd, wondering what was causing the fuss. Backed into the tree was Nightmare. The people had pitchforks and fires.
"Please...please...I'm sorry! Please..." Nightmare pleaded with the people. Dream tried stopping the people from hurting Nightmare, who wasn't doing a good job.
I glanced behind Dream once again to look at Nightmare. He's holding something.
An apple.
An apple of negative emotions. Right up to his mouth.
"Nightmare, WAIT! DON'T-" I shouted. It was too late. Far too late. Nightmare flashed me a look of pity, before choking and coughing up a black substance.
"Nightmare...please..." I ran past Dream and to Nightmare.
"Hey... it's ok. Please. Please be ok." I hugged him.
"Remember who I used to be..." Nightmare coughed.
"I don't need your pity."
Everything faded to black. I was in a void similar to before.
"Y/N... please come back... please." A voice cried. Nightmare?
"Nightmare?" My voice echoed.
"Hey...hey, I'm here sundrop." Nightmare responded.
I weakly opened my eyes to find Nightmare leaning over me. He looked like he was about to cry tears of relief.
"Hey..." I mumbled. I weakly tried to sit up, only to have Nightmare lay me back down.
"Don't move. I'm gonna go get Dream...". Nightmare snarled 'Dream' while the rest of the sentence sounded as sweet as the embodiment of negativity can get. I payed their for a few minutes staring up at the ceiling, until the sound of a door clicking open acquired my attention.
"Y/N" Dream asked.
"Hey Dream." I said.
"How are you doing?" Dream asked.
"Tired. Like, really tired." I mumbled.
"No wonder, you used up an army of monsters and a half's magic reserves 2 days ago."
"What?" I asked confused.
"Ya. You and Nightmare destroyed the 'virus' as Sci called it." Dream said.
"We did?" I asked. Dream nodded in response.
"So everyone's safe?" I asked.
"Every last one of them." Dream assured. I sighed in relief.
"So, how are you and Nightmare getting along?" I asked, sitting up a bit.
"We could be getting along better." A growl was heard across the room as Nightmare came into view, and his tendrils pushed me back down. I glared, at him as Dream continued.
"However we're working on a sort of truce." Dream said which peaked my interest.
"Really?" I asked.
"Really." Dream assured. I was about to hug Dream until I got pushed back down on the bed.
"If you get up one more time, I will tie you to the bed."
"Brother, ain't that a little kink-"

—————technical difficulties please stand by——————————————-

Well, apparently I drained a lot of magic that I didn't know I had, so that's fun. Nightmare has been babying me ever since I woke up, and even reading stories to me, which was so cute that Dream decided to squeal outside the door because he was stalking us. I know I can walk just fine (I think.) but Nightmare still refuses to let me leave my bed until I've been in it for at least the minimum of recovery time for magic drainage.
"Hey Nightmare, who's Kingdom am I staying at? Or is it just gonna be like, a kid's parents who got divorced sorta thing?" I asked out of curiosity.
"Mine of course."
"Mine!" Dream and Nightmare both said at the same time.
"So divorce." I reasoned.
"No. She's staying at mine." Nightmare picked me up with his tendrils protectively.
"Nightmare. Put her down." Dream scolded.
"No." Nightmare just brought me into a protective hug.
I honestly didn't know what to do in this situation.
"Well. I've done all I could do. Good luck Y/N! I would do the divorce thing, but I don't think Nightmare would like that, so...ya." Dream said.
"Wait! What if we merged the kingdoms back again!" I proclaimed. The brothers looked at me like I was crazy.
"I know I sound crazy, but it could be for the better! Families could see each other again, the moon kingdom could share their technology, and we could have double the armies." I said convincingly.
"I think that's a great idea! What do you think brother?" Dream asked.
"I'll consider it...". Nightmare said. Quicker than Dream could react, me and Nightmare teleported back to the kingdom.
Maybe Nightmare is too good for doors after all...


Maybe doors are too good for me after all...

End. Both kingdoms end up joining in prosperity and blue finds his brother.

(Let me know if u want me to rewrite some chapter due to them being serious parts with too much crack. Thanks! Thanks for reading the longest story I've had the attention span to ever write! Luv ya! ❤️❤️❤️❤️)

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