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*cough Cough*. So...

Raspberry walks through the corridors.  He pauses at the Kings thrown room hearing some unusual excited chatter.  His eyebrows wrinkled in confusion.  Unless...
Sun guards are sneaking up on the king, excited that they might finally rid of him, then the Great Raspberry will come on stage, defeating those who wish to harm his king, then he shall be praised and promoted by him!
Raspberry snaps out of the fake scenario remembering what he has to do first. 
He speeds into the thrown room, to see his king-
Perfectly fine... with... YOU!?  Raspberry's eyes widen in shock. 
"It's you!"  He shouts, threateningly pointing a finger at You.  You were reading with Nightmare, unintentionally starting a mini book club, with yourself, the first member from the neutral empire to join the joint kingdoms, and Nightmare.  You all were talking about fun quotes from the book when Raspberry busted in. 
"Who are you?" Geno asked.  Side eyeing Raspberry. 
"I should be asking you!"  Raspberry retorted. 
"Shut up!  He's famous!"  You said. 
"And who are you to say such things?"  Raspberry asked slyly. 
Nightmare pulled you next to him with a tendril, raising an eyebrow at Raspberry.  Raspberry nervously smiled and walked out of the room bowing, and murmuring apologies. 
"Shall we continue?"  Nightmare asked.  You nodded with a grin. 
"If ya let go of me."  You responded. 
"Na, chapter 17, correct?"

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