"You've Crossed the Line"

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¤Katie's POV¤
I woke up feeling something weird. Like my blanket just became rough with crumbling particles. Wait. I opened my eyes and sat up straight. "Oh no, they did'nt." I grumbled. "Oh yes, they did." I saw Miranda, my sister sitting up straight too. And she was also in the same situation I was in.

We were covered apparently up to our necks with soil topped with dead leaves and dead petals. I breathed deeply before getting out of bed, brushing off the excess dirt, and covering myself with my jacket. Luckily, I slept last night with leggings so I look decent.

I went just outside of my cabin and screamed as loud as I could. "STOLLS!! YOU GUYS ARE SO DEAD!!!" I swear my scream could be heard to the other side of the lake.

Then suddenly the two devil spawns popped out from behind two large bushes, grinning evilly. "Yes, milady? You called?" They said in unison, with horrible fake accents.

"Don't give me any of that crap!! What made you think that me and my sister were gardening plots?!!" I glared at them. Then Travis started "thinking" with his imaginary beard. "No idea." He deadpanned.

"You guys better give me a straight answer or else..." I warned them. "Or else what?" Connor leaned in, pretending to be curious. "Or else you're dead. Stolls, get your graves ready 'coz I'm gonna kill you." And without another word, I went back inside.
¤Connor's POV¤
After Katie went back inside, We heard an appreciative whistle. I've never learned how to whistle before. Travis does, but he does'nt know how to teach me. We saw Miranda leaning on the door frame, smirking.

Gods, she looks so cute. Yeah, I've got a small crush on her. Travis does'nt know. "You guys...." She started, shaking her head. "I've never seen Katie this angry.." She giggled. "Why are'nt you angry?" I asked. "I don't get angry that easily. Just pissed off. Anyways, my sister already got angry at you guys so, what's the point?" She replied. "And, you've crossed the line. You may think that I'm not angry, but I am. Don't underestimate me. Anyways, bye." She went back to inside too.

"So... who are we pranking next?" Travis grinned. I thought about it. "Leo Valdez."

(Let's make Calypso here as Leo's girlfriend. I totes ship Caleo...)

Later, "Hey!! Hey!! Hey, Leo! We found a really cool number of bronze balls just ouside of camp! They have weird buttons and whatnot!!" I said "excitedly". Then slowly he started to erupt in flames which was a tendency when he was excited. "A copy of the Archimedes Spheres? I'm comin'!" He yelled, running to where it supposedly was.

So, basically, he ran the camp on flames, and he was disappointed to see it was'nt there. "CONNOR!!" He yelled. "Oops. Time to run." I said. And then he stopped under a tree, still in flames. The exact tree where Travis was, holding a bucket of water. Then... WHOOSH!! He dumped the whole bucket on his head, extinguishing him. Leo looked up, "TRAVIS!!!" He grinned then ran too. "STOLLS!! IF I SEE YOU AGAIN, YOU'RE DEAD!!" Leo yelled.

I met up with Travis behind the Hermes Cabin. "Hey! Haha... We got two death threats in less than one hour!!! Record time!!" We laughed.

We went inside our cabin through the back window and spent the rest of our morning playing cards and pickpocketing our half brothers and sisters. Because, our "victims" earlier seemed intent on "killing" us.

"Hey guys. Wanna play a crossover between spin the bottle and truth or dare?" Chris sat beside Connor. We looked at each other. "Sure."

He called some of our half siblings to join. (Their other half siblings, I admit to my ownership. :) )

We sat in a circle and Chris spun the bottle and it landed on May, one of the newly claimed Hermes campers. "Alright, Truth or Dare?" She smiled shyly. "Truth to keep things on the safe side." "Alright. Since you're a girl, you probably have crush. Who do you have an eye on?" Chris grinned. She pinked. "Harley. Hephaestus Cabin." She mumbled, face really, really, really, red. We made Aieeeeee sounds. Harley was the same age as her. She spun the bottle, it landed back to Chris. "Truth or Dare?" She replied smugly. "Dare."

"I dare you to go to Clarisse and sing a sappy love song to her." She bit her lip to hold back her laughter. Soon, all of us were laughing. "F-fine." He went outside and we followed him in groups. He found Clarisse at the arena. Luckily, she was alone. "Uhm.. Hey Clarisse." He said. She raised her brow. "Uhm..."

"Why do birds suddenly appear,
Everytime you are near?
Just like me, they long to be
Close to you.

Why do stars, fall down from the sky,
Everytime you walk by?
Just like me they long to be,
Close to you..

On the day that you were born
The angels got together and decided to create a dream come true...
So they sprinkled moon dust in you hair of gold and starlight in your eyes so blue...

That is why all boys
Follow you around,
Just like me, they long to be,
Close to you.."

Chris sang, all the time, face red. But I did'nt actually listen to Chris. I was thinking of how that song could have applied to Miranda Gardner. Except her hair is'nt gold. Wait. Why am I thinking of her?

"You okay?" Travis asked. "Yeah. I-I'm okay." I assured him. I went back to Chris and Clarisse and was surprised to see her hugging him. On most circumstances, Clarisse would punch the guy. Chris grinned.

We went back to the cabin after Chris sang. They decided to have some QT. May spun the bottle. It landed on Travis. "Dare." He grinned. They looked at me. "Connor, would you do the honors?" I breathed deeply.

"I know you"ll hate me afterwards, but.. I dare you to prank Jason, Percy and Nico."

Travis' grin melted. "Alone?" He squeaked. I shrugged. The rest nodded. "Any other options?" He squeaked. "A weeks pranking Katie Gardner alone. Only her." I noticed since the last 5 months, Travis sort of liked Katie. He paled.

"You don't have to do it now." He relaxed a bit. Then he reached over and spun the bottle. It pointed at me. I know he might dare me to join him, so.. "Truth."

"Bro, I know you're not a girl. But, I just wanted to know. Do you like Miranda Gardner?"
Dun.. Dun, dunnnn... Uh oh!! What will Connor do? Suspense!! OK, mostly since it's Connor's POV, it's a bit of Connanda thoughts!!!

What will Connor answer??
Dun. Dun. Dun.
Anyways, Peace out!! :)

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