Chapter 2: Leaving Home

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Once inside the Justice Building, I sit on a cute loveseat, smoothing out my dress as I await my family. We, meaning me and Raptor, get to say goodbye to our family before we leave for the Capitol. Before the 11th Games, tributes weren't so lucky. They were tossed onto a cattle train and sent to the Capitol, thrown into the Games the next day. Luckily, things have changed.

"Congratulations!" Mom cries as she runs through the door, engulfing me in a hug. I hug her back, just as tightly, before pulling my siblings into my grip.

"Everything went perfectly," I tell them, ruffling their hair, then regretting it and pulling out my comb. I brush out Rube's knots. "And I'll be home in barely a week, I bet."

"You better be careful," Jade warns me, arms crossed. I roll my eyes, patting her shoulder.

"I will be," I reply. Standing in a circle, I make sure all of them have their attention on me. "There's no need to worry while I'm gone. Keep up with your school work, do not let other people get to you. They are nothing, okay? The only thing that matters now is family."

"Don't worry, Jewel. I can take care of it," Dad says. I smile at him. He promised to come home more often while I'm in the Games in order to provide moral support for the family. I really appreciate his sacrifice. I know that he works harder than any of us, and we owe him everything we could possibly give.

"But that doesn't mean you two aren't going to help Mom and Dad, right?" I ask my siblings. Both of them nod. "Good. And lookout for each other. I love you all."

"We love you, too," Rube says as Peacekeepers arrive to collect my family. I give them all quick hugs and kisses.

"Cheer for me!" I call before the door shuts. When the door does finally separate us, I don't feel any fear or anxiety about not being with my family or not having them around for the next few days. I am independent, they know that, and now all of Panem will. I know they can take care of themselves because Mom, Dad, and I taught them well. Everything will be okay.

I stand inside the room for a moment longer before my next well-wisher comes in. Victoria Beau, my best friend since childhood and one of the only outsiders that has stuck with my family through the rumors. With silky black hair and brown eyes, people wouldn't think that she would be friends with me, but I appreciate her plainness. She gives me a hug as she walks in, grinning wildly.

"You're going to do amazing," she tells me. "I can already see it. 'Jewel Valor, victor of the 12th Hunger Games!'"

"Thank you so much, Vicky," I say, giving her another hug. "You're the best. Will you make sure that Jade wears nice clothes while I'm gone?" Fashion, what brought us together as kids, has kept us together ever since. Vicky has been designing her own clothing for ages, and loves to show off her outfits on my body. While her father works side by side with mine in Dad's perfume lab, her mother is a seamstress that creates the most wild outfits you could ever see. I know that she'll make sure the kids are well-dressed.

"Don't even worry about it. I'm almost finished bedazzling a pair of shoes for her," Vicky informs me. Then, very seriously, she takes my hands. "Keep your focus on yourself in the Games, okay? Be selfish. Don't worry about anything going on here."

"Well, I can't promise to completely separate myself from this place, but I'll try. You trust me, don't you?"

"Of course I do, Jewel," she replies. She hugs me one more time. "I'll be planning the welcome home party."

"Love you," I let her know before she has to leave. She gives me the sweetest smile someone could ever have before parting from me. I'll miss her while I'm in the Capitol and the Games.

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