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The Upside Down

Mike jumps up and runs out of the gym and I can hear him calling for my brother and his sister

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Mike jumps up and runs out of the gym and I can hear him calling for my brother and his sister. "There gone, Nancy and Johnathan his cars gone." Mike says as he runs back in. "Their probably sucking face somewhere." Dustin mutters, "No way gross." Mike and I say in union. El mutters and we ask if she knows were they went. "Demogorgon." She flatly answers and I jump up.

"No he wouldn't!" I yell tears escaping my eyes and I run out of the room siting my back against the wall. The tears fall down and I can't stop them. I hear the door open and then close behind me, and I look up to see surprisingly Lucas. He sits down next to me, "Are you ok?" He asks me and I bit my lip. "My brother is being cased by a monster in a dark parallel of our world. My mom is risking her life to save him and so is my brother. And Chrissy my best friend, my..." I say and I trail off he puts his hand on my shoulder.

"Your mom and brother's will be ok I promise. I'm so sorry about Cristina." He says and I smile at him wiping my tears. He hugs me and I hug him back and then I feel his lips on mine. I freak out and push him off of me. "I can't." I say standing up and he looks embarrassed and jumps up after me. "I'm sorry I didn't mean too." He mutters rubbing the back of his neck.

I bit my lip and look to the ground "It's not your fault." I say and he starts mumbling "No it is I shouldn't have it was bad timing and I'm just being stupid. I shouldn't have." and I roll my eyes and let it out. "No Lucas it's not your fault I like girls." I say and his mouth drops. "Oh," He lets out and I nod. "I never thought. I mean your Jessica Byers the popular pretty girl of Hawkins Middle School. I never would have though you likes girls." He mumbles and I laugh.

"That's what you think of me." I giggle and he nods "I mean your best friend is Cristina Johnson the golden rich girl." He laughs and I smile, "She was actually my first kiss." I mutter and his mouth drops agin, "Really." and I nod and he brings me back into the gym laughing.

"What took you so long? Anyway we can't just sit around." Mike says and Lucas sighs, "The bad men are still after us were fugitives incase you forgot." He says, "We need to stick to the plan keep put and keep El safe." Dustin says and I nod in agreement and then he walks off. "Where are you going!" Mike yells after him, "I'm getting chocolate pudding!" Dustin hollers back and we all walk after him to the cafeteria.

As Dustin and Lucas raid the pudding I sit as Mike talk to El, I roll my eyes at his flirting attempts. I watch them in amusement. He then leans in and kisses her I cough on air and clap happily. Mike and El smile at each other but he then glares at me. Car lights approach and Mike runs to see if its Nancy and Johnathan.

Dustin and Lucas drop armfuls of pudding but then Mike runs inside "Guys! They found us!" He yells and I drop my pudding. Fuck I dropped my pudding. We run off as fast as we humanly can. But to our dismay they come in from the door in font of us. "Shit, Shit, Shit." I yell over Mike yelling "Go, go, go." we turn a corner to see more soldiers and then the next and we are surrounded. I hear guns cock and yelling as light glare in our faces.

I watch as El makes the soldiers and a lady bleed from there eyes and noses. They all then drop to the ground, dead with a swift snap. "Holy shit!" I yell and we run to El who is now collapsed on the floor. Mike screams for her but she doesn't wake.

"Leave her!" I hear a man yell and we all stand up. "Who the fuck are you!" I yell at him angrily. "Step away from the child." He says ignoring my comment. "No." Mike yells, "You get the fuck away!" I scream at him and glances at me and then back to El. "If you want her you'll have to kill us first." Mike yells, "That's right." Dustin says confidently. "Eat shit!" Lucas yells, "Suck on your balls ass face!" I scream and then I feel a soldier grab me and were all being held back.

"Get off us no!" We yell cussing storms at the ones holding us. He grabs El and she wakes as we struggle. "Let her go you basted!" Mike screams as we all try to get loose. The lights flicker as El calls Mike's name. "Blood, Blood." Mike says in fear. "Shit I yell biting the soldier holding me. He lets me go and I push him off, "Asshole!" I yell and he rubs his arm. I hear growling and yelling all the cards let go and fire their weapons at the Demogorgon. We grab El and run out as they are distracted. "Fuck you old man!" I yell at the guy throwing him my middle finger.

We run as fast as we can and I see the Demogorgon pounce on him. The gun fire doesn't stop as we hurry through the halls. We shut and lock the science room door behind us. We put El on a table to try and get her rest and energy back. I pant as the lights flicker and guns fire. We hear growling and jump back.

The Demogorgon jumps and bakes the door and I scream. We all run to grab our weapons and Lucas grabs his wrist rocket, clearly that won't work. I get a revolver out of my back and there faces drop. I lean back having no clue what to do as I shoot at the Demogorgon it takes every bullet like it's nothing.

Everyone screams for me to kill it as I shoot but then I'm out of ammo. "Shit!" We all yell as it gets closer and closer. Then Lucas hits it with a rock and it flies back into the chalk board. We look at each other in shock. We jump back and El walks in front of us I pant in fear.

Mike yells for her to stop put she pushes him back into the drawers. I watch doing nothing as she get's closer and closer to the Demogorgon. She looks back at us sadly and then sticks her hand out and the Demogorgon lets out such a high pitch scream I have to cover my ears.

Then the yelling stops, the lights turn on and I look up to see the Demogorgon and El are gone. My face drops as does my heart and I look at Mike who's tears cover his face. We yell for her but she's gone, she just gone. Sirens blare and we stand by the ambulance in shock. Mike's mom hugs him as he cries. I then see my brother and he drives me to the hospital.

Later that night my brother wakes up and my mom cries happily. "where are we?" He asks, "Your home, you're safe." My mother says softly. "Johnathan, Jessica." My brother mutters and I hug him. I cry my brother's safe. Soon the boys burst in and hug Will with me. "You won't believe what happen when you were gone man." Lucas smiles, "It was mental." Dustin exclaims. 

They all start telling him what happened but are interrupted by Will coughing. "You ok." Mike asks, "It got me the Demogorgon." Will says and our happiness all fades. "It's ok it's dead." Mike says and starts talking about El and I scratch my arm trying to stop my self from tears. 

Then we get happy again as we talk about El's powers.

Christmas Eve comes around and I find my self out of all people playing dnd with my brother and his, our dorky friends. "Fourteen!" We scream as we get the monster with Will's fire balls. "And and and it's dead!" Mike yells and we all stand up in cheers hugging each other happily.

"That's it?" I ask and Mike nods, "The campaign was too short it didn't make sense." Dustin says, "Uh it was ten hours!" Mike exclaims and we all argue laughing. I hear Johnathan come down "What's that smell where you guys playing games or just farting all day." We laugh, "It wasn't me." I giggle and Lucas sings a song about Dustin farting and I giggle more.

"Bye Will, Bye Jessie." They say giving us high fives as we follow Johnathan. We say our goodbyes to Karen and I roll my eyes when Johnathan waits for Nancy. She gives him a gift and they make love eyes. "Just kiss already." I laugh and Johnathan pushes me making Will laugh I punch him in the arm and we start wrestling.

When we get home we sit at the table ready for my moms dinner after looking at presents to see what they could be. Johnathan takes snaps of us and I push him and my mom laughs. "Mom I think dinner looks amazing." I say as we all sit together. I smile at my mom and she gives me a soft look. I've lost so much but my family is there and that's what matter.

So Marry Christmas to me.

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