Chapter 20

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I was having a better time at school, people stared at me and asked if I was okay every now and then but I felt better. It didn't repeat in my head as much anymore, but I still wanted to cry whenever I thought about what happened. I was unsure of what to do when I would see the guy again. I hoped I wouldn't. I knew he lived in the neighborhood from where he took me. But he lived far. 

It was finally the weekend and I wanted to hangout with Camilla since I hadn't for awhile.

"You know you can hangout with Zack this weekend. I'm not doing anything exciting." Camilla said.

"He's going to the mountains for the weekend so I won't be able to see him." I said.

"Is Carlos able to come over?" She asked.

"Girl I am not trying to third wheel, plus mom wants to take us to the mall." I said.

"That sounds good." She said.

I nodded, going back to my room. I smiled when I looked at my phone because Zack texted me.

Zack: I miss you, are you doing okay?

Me: Yes, I'm fine, I'm getting ready to shower.

Zack: Call me when you're out.

Me: Okay.

I put my phone down, getting into the shower.

I noticed all the scars on my body. God, why did I let him do this to me? He basically ruined my life. He ruined how I felt around strangers. Any type of strangers. I got done with my shower, putting on comfortable clothes and brushing my teeth. I went back in my room, calling Zack.

"Finally. That was a long shower." Zack said.

"I zoned out." I said.

"I miss your beautiful face." He said.

"I miss your beautiful eyes." I said.

"I wish you were over here with me." He said.

"Me too. When are you coming back?" I asked.

"Tomorrow afternoon." He said.

"That's too long." I said.

"Better than Sunday." He said.

"That's true. I'm gonna go to bed though." I said.

"I love you." He said.

Oh my god I could feel my heart doing a backflip.

"Huh?" I asked.

"Nothing. Goodnight beautiful." He said.

"Zacky." I said.

"Yes?" He asked.

"I love you too." I said.

He laughed and it was so cute.

"Goodnight." He said.

"Goodnight." I said, hanging up after.

I plugged my phone in, smiling as I fell asleep. He loved me.

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