Chapter 41

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School started back up again and it was unbelievable that we were sophomores. I still felt like I was in 7th grade.

"I can't believe we made it this far." I said.

"I can. Love is love." Zacky said.

"I meant school wise. Of course I can believe that you and I made it this far. We're Alyssa and Zacky." I said.

"Duh." He said.

I found out that Zacky and I had absolutely no classes together.

"What? This can't be right." I said.

"I know, it's so stupid that they would do that." Zacky said.

"We only have lunch." I said.

"It's okay. We can meet after every class right?" He said.

"Couldn't we talk to my mom and dad about switching your classes to mine?" I asked.

"Yes of course." He said.

I got through the day, I couldn't stand not seeing Zacky as much as I do but I knew I had to deal with it somehow until we could fix it.

Once we got home I went straight to my dad.

"I need you to call the school." I said.

"Okay, what about?" My dad asked.

"They put Zacky and I in completely different classes so now we only have lunch together." I said.

"Okay, I'll call them while you're at school tomorrow, once it's done I'll let you know what they say." He said.

"Thanks dad." I said, hugging him.

I went back to my room, Zacky was asleep so I went out to Jaysie's house since she hadn't been talking recently.

"Hey! You okay?" I asked, climbing through her window.

"Yes of course. How's everything for you?" Jaysie asked.

"Pretty good. I didn't get any classes with Zack so dad's gonna call the school tomorrow." I said.

"I got all my classes with Matt." She said with a smiled.

"I'm so glad everything worked out between you guys." I said.

"Me too. How's Zacky doing?" She asked.

"He's still recovering but otherwise he's good. He's asleep." I said.

"Well it's very good talking to you again." She said.

"It is." I said, hugging her.

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