1. Finding Someone

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Dustins Pov

"Thats a negative, Dustybun." my girlfriend Suzie called over the radio, trying to get into the school system

son of a bitch.

"Try 'Tigers86'."

"Tigers86. Copy that." she said and i heard the clicking of keys, "Jiminy Crickets, Dusty. I'm in."

Holy shit. 


"What are you doing? We're gonna be late." i heard my sister call from outside

"Don't come in! im naked!"

"gross. I don't wanna come in anyway. just hurry up or I'm leaving without you." 

"i'm running out of time here." i told suzie

"Just hold your horsies, Dustybun."

"Do you see it?"

"Yeah I see it. Yikes dusty."

"yeah." i sighed

"I will repent later." she said and my spanish grade was no longer a D- 

"Dustin! Seriously!" 

"Alright I'm coming! I have to go, I love you Suzie."

"i love you too dustybun." 

i hung up and quick grabbed my bag and breakfast, meeting y/n in the car

"i swear if we are late to this stupid pep rally because of you.."

"we won't be." i said as she pulled out of our driveway and started playing her favorite song, "War Pigs" by Black Sabbath

I never loved her music taste, but there were songs that grew on me over the time i spent with her

y/n is my only and older sibling. she'd do anything for me and i'd do anything for her.

we've established that over these past years having to fight all this shit. She's one of the toughest people I know.

Now she won't make it known but she's actually really compassionate, even Mike and all the other boys have grown to see her as a 'sibling', and she's smart, having one of the highest grades in her class and would help me if I was struggling.

She's who I look up to and I adore her, but god forbid she found that out, I'd never hear the end of it.

"hey." I heard, seeing snapping in my face, "you okay? you just like zoned out completely." she said with a small laugh

"what? oh yeah i'm all good. Do you think Max will sit with us during the pep rally?"

"I don't know. She barely speaks and just kinda blows everything off. I get worried about her, you know?"

"Yeah. We all feel that way. Especially with how everything happened with lucas-"

"what happened with lucas??"

"she broke up with him. I thought you knew."

"no. I didn't. Everything will be okay. Last year...was rough, for everyone. especially max, but it'll be okay in the end."

"how do you somehow stay positive?"

"because you can't. someone has to." she said with a laugh, me joining her, "we're here. Do you wanna hop out so you don't have to get out of the car with me?"

"you're my sister. not my mom. I'll get out after you park."

"aw. I'm honored." she said putting her hand over her heart dramatically

His Challenge ~ eddie munson x femreaderWhere stories live. Discover now