9. Comfort

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Your Pov

“Billy!” me and max screamed

“Billy you cant leave me.” i cried over his body

“Dustin?” i asked, seeing billy’s body morph

“Dustin?” i asked again, seeing him in a trance

“Dustin!” i yelled as he started to float

“you cant save him y/n.” a menacing voice called, “just like you couldn’t save billy!”

i screamed, another nightmare, about dustin

“what’s wrong? what happened?” eddie asked, barging in my room, seeing me panicked on my bed, crying

“h-he. it was him. he h-had dustin.” i cried

“no he doesn’t. dustin is safe.” eddie told me, trying to calm me down

“he said i couldn’t save him. just like how i couldn’t save billy.” i cried harder, my breathing becoming faster

“hey hey hey. dustin is safe. he’s okay.” he approached me slowly, not wanting to overwhelm me

“hey, look at me.” he said, me shaking my head, still in shock

“look at me.” he said softer, putting his hands on my shoulders, “dustin will be okay. he’s safe with steve. with robin. with nancy. he. is. safe.” he reassured, looking me into my eyes

i nodded, still scared, but believing him

“i’m gonna go back to my room. do you need anything?” he said slowly

you paused at the question, wondering if you should say what you wanted, ultimately deciding to ask, “can you stay?”

“w-what?” he stuttered, taken aback slightly by the request

“can you stay with me?”

“oh..uh, y-yeah. yea of course.” he responded, laying in bed next to me

“thanks. i hope you don’t mind. you can go back to your room if it bothers you. totally up to-“

“i’ll stay.” he cuts off, me nodding softly 

“goodnight.” i said, turning the other way to sleep

“goodnight henderson.”

eddie’s pov

i woke up to the sound of birds chirping lightly outside, feeling warm breathing 

i looked down confused, seeing a sleeping y/n nuzzled in my neck with her arm draped softly around my torso, my arm laying steadily around her upper back, and our legs tangled together

i guess we shifted position in our sleep

even sleeping she’s beautiful 

the way she looks so peaceful, her eyes closed, eyelashes fluttering naturally, a warm blush tint covering her face, and a soft smile resting on her lips

i find myself admiring her, smiling at her calm state, the feeling of her being in my arms feels normal, relaxing 

she starts to stir, slowly waking up, so i pretend to be asleep

she goes to move but doesn’t, noticing how my arm is still around her

she lifts her head from off my chest slightly, taking a moment and laying back down

her head goes back to my chest, her arm resuming its position on my body, and pressing her body against mine

i could lay like this all day

i feel her breathing start to slow down and i peek my eyes open to realize she’s fallen back asleep

i admire her one last time and then also fall back asleep, keeping her safe in my arms for as long as i can

i never want this moment to end

heres just a small little chapter i wrote a bit ago and decided to incorporate. hope you enjoed

happy reading!

- author :)

531 words

His Challenge ~ eddie munson x femreaderWhere stories live. Discover now