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Red and blue lights flickers

Police cars parked beside the school gates while one boy sat on the ground

He shook in fear while some nurses tried to ease him

"did something happen?" y/n whispered to herself as she slowly stops on her tracks and sees the group of police men gathering around the boy

She tip toes trying to see what was going on

Then she realizes who the boy was..


The college student everyone was friends with

She saw his expression

She slowly blinked in confusion before continuing to walk in the school gates



The bell loudly rang, all the classroom doors swung open as the students walked out making their way to the canteen

"did you hear about the incident last night?" sunoo starts as he opens his locker, shoving now useless books inside "what happened? I saw yeonjun outside" y/n mentions as she softly closes her lockers "it was yeonjun?" sunghoon asked earning a nod "i came in school early i heard the cops saying they found him outside the school at like 4am" sunoo explains shutting his locker "4am?" jay asks quite shock at the information

"what was he doing?" heeseung asked as he leans on the lockers "it's a little suspish since one guard in the school saw yeonjun and four of his friends entering the school before his shift was finished" sunoo whispers "what.. You think they went missing?" jake whispers thoughtfully "maybe? No bodies were found" sunoo replied before hugging himself "either way when i heard about it i felt the chills" he adds

"they're probably just out there surely nothing bad happened" ni-ki tried to brush off the negative thoughts

"i call dibs, i'm going for the elevator" jungwon suddenly zooms through the hallway "yah!" heeseung shouted following behind

The others decided to brush the creepy feeling off before chasing jungwon to the school elevator

"hold it!!" ni-ki shouted noticing a person entering the elevator

Felix looks up from his phone before holding the elevator door open

Eight of them pushed each other as they entered the elevator

*beep beep*

"we're 9 someone has to leave!" sunghoon announces as he leans on the wall

Man people never really used this elevator since it could only hold 8 people

"rock paper scissors.." heeseung suddenly started, strong tension growing

Felix only continues scrolling through his phone

He knew he couldn't be kicked out, he was first and was the one who held the door open for them after all

Plus he was older than everyone and was graduating

He was indeed well respected



"JUNGWON OUT YOU GO" Ni-ki teases giving a peace sign while jungwon sadly steps out the elevator

"just you guys wait" jungwon threatens while the elevator door closes making everyone laugh

"kids" felix thought as he quietly laughs


"look" ni-ki held out his phone as they sat inside the canteen

Y/n reads the text on the phone "the elevator"

Case 05 : Elevator | Enhypen & ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now