Floor 5 : Maze Runner

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The elevator slowly opened

"30 minutes timer" the monotone voice spoke through the speaker

Jake slowly stood up in confusion

"timer?" heeseung slowly whispered

"he never mentioned a timer to us" y/n whispered to herself

"this was never in the rules" ni-ki whispered

"hopefully no one fears spiders" the monotone suddenly adds as everyone walked out the elevator

"timer will begin.."

Everyone flinched at the suddenly shaking of the ground and loud thuds as if the wall was moving

Was the hallways being.. Shuffled?

After a few minutes


Sunghoon almost lost his balance at the sudden stop

Ni-ki turned to the elevator and saw it slowly close

Jay slowly backed away when he heard screeches inside, one after another

Jake remained distant from the elevator when it suddenly opened revealing an elevator full of spiders, large same height as their stomach

"now" the monotone giggled continuing her sentence

With one loud screech jungwon immediately ran away with full speed wasting no time as he heard the screeched follow him

Jake ran through the halls, his breath uneven as he panicked

Suddenly something popping up in his mind

"GUYS!" he shouted hoping they would hear him

Heeseung's ears perked when he heard a voice echo "JAKE?!" he shouts

"HEESEUNG?!" sunghoon shouts

"SUNGHOON!" jay shouts

Sunghoon immediately looked around when he heard his name echo near not noticing where he was running to-


Ni-ki breathed heavily as he ran, he was panicking, he wasn't even thinking about the directions he ran to

If he hits a dead end he's done for

Where was he suppose to go

Where are the others



Ni-ki stumbles back but before he could fall on the ground a person grabs his wrist, looking up with a panic he sees jay "ni-ki!" he says in a panic before hearing a screech far back

"hyung" ni-ki stutters but was then dragged by jay "run now talk later!" jay shouts in a panic as he kept ni-ki close

Thankfully he had lost the creatures that followed him allowing him and ni-ki to run back where he came from


Jungwon immediately halted when he heard a loud scream of fear


Jungwon immediately froze


With another scream heard he immediately ran to the direction but once he turned he saw a dead end "no.. No.. No" he whispered as he ran towards the wall only to hear a struggling scream

"Y/N!" he calls in a panic

"JUNGWON!" she cries

He looks around in frustration

Case 05 : Elevator | Enhypen & ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now