Floor 2 : What is seen is bound to happen

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"are you all sure this is a good idea?" jake started as they stood in the elevator, soft tune playing in the background

"no" they all replied except for ni-ki "oh come on it's just getting started what's the worse that can happen!" ni-ki spoke trying to lighten up the mood


The elevator door slowly opened revealing the dark second floor of the school

They were about to walk out when suddenly


Heeseung immediately stepped back inside the elevator covering jay, jake and sunghoon while jungwon hid ni-ki, sunoo and y/n behind him

The screech echoed through the dark halls "ni-ki... Does it at least say what's inside the second floor" heeseung whispered nervously reffering to the manuals ni-ki read to them "no.. It.. It just said what is seen is bound to happen sooner or later" the younger male replied

Suddenly a piece of paper lightly fell infront of the elevator door

Not wanting to pick it up they then look at heeseung, he shakes his head in disapproval not wanting to get near the paper

It is known that doing something with a partner reduces your fear right, example is going inside a haunted house, with a partner you feel less scared

Why am i saying this?

Because here is heeseung now holding the paper up with jungwon holding the other end

"what does it say?" sunoo questions

"it's a certificate" heeseung replies now holding the paper fully and jungwon peeking beside him

Valedictorian of hybe university
Yang Jungwon
With the average of

Jungwon stared at the certificate with wide eyes

while the others were busy jake slowly realized something

"uh.. Ni-ki" jake spoke Catching everyone's attention "how are we going to get out of this floor.. Obviously we cant go through this elevator again since this is where we came from" he points out "ah.." y/n fell silent as she looked at ni-ki for some answers

"well uh it saids here if we wander to the right direction we'll always see a second elevator that leads us to the next floor" the younger male replies "what if we use the stairs" sunghoon suddenly spoke

Everyone looked at him in a blank look

"this is called elevator game sunghoon you don't see a word stairs there" sunoo replied

"can we go.. This is creeping me out" y/n speaks making everyone nod


They tried to walk quietly as possible

But theres just something..

*tap tap tap tap*

Jay looked behind them once more

Heeseung tried to ignore it

Ni-ki felt uneasy so did y/n

But everytime they walked the tapping followed

Sunoo felt his stomach twist and turn everytime he heard the tapping as they walk, he stayed close to sunghoon as much as possible while sunghoon tried to calm him down

Case 05 : Elevator | Enhypen & ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now