Chapter 1

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Ok LucasTwo you gave me inspiration for this story... I always wanted to write a Pokemon story and from reading your stories I decided if you could do it well then a fan fiction writer like me could.... Lol anyways this is the first Pokemon story I have ever written as I am writing this I am actually making this up as I go but following the Sinnoh map and league.

Luna has always had a soft spot for injured Pokemon be it a Mamoswine or a Budew. Luna has gotten her self in some trouble currently instead of being in bed asleep, she was in a forest tending to a Buizel when several angry Beedrill attacked.

"GAH! Bad Beedrill no! Back away!" The timid ten year old cried.
"CHAR CHIMCHARRRRR!" A pinkish red Pokemon cried shooting a blue flame at the Beedrill.

They flew away startled by the battle cry of the oddly colored Pokemon, Luna fixed her long blueish black hair and looked at the Pokemon. It had a small flame on its rear end and a chimp like look. The Pokemon looked back at Luna who beat its balled hands on its chest and walked to her.

"Char? Chimchar?" It asked pointing at her hand.
"Oh the scratch on my hand? It's ok umm." She said.
"Chimchar!" It said pounding its chest and smiling.
"Right Chimchar... Thank you for saving me from the Beedrill.. Oh I have to go you want to come with me?" Luna asked gabbing the small medical kit she carried.

The chimchar hesitated looking at Luna and then the forest then back again, it was debating from what Luna could tell.. She bent down and ruffled its ears, the small chimp Pokemon was warm to the touch causing Luna to smile.

"How about I let you decide tomorrow.. That way you can think about it tonight?" She asked.
"Chimchar chim." It said pointing at Luna..

Luna couldn't believe it, she wasn't even a trainer and she has her first Pokemon... Normally the Pokemon she asked would go back to the forest never to be seen again, Luna patted her shoulder for the small pinkish red Pokemon. Chimchar leaped onto Luna's shoulder, the weight wasn't much different after said monkey weighted about thirteen pounds. Luna walked back to her house and climbed into her window right as her mother walked in and saw her.

"LUNA HOPE PLATINUM! Where where you coming from." She raged.
"Forest... I was helping Pokemon.." Luna said as chimchar leaped off her shoulder and stood in front on her.
"Char! Chimchar!" it roared as ferociously as possible.

Luna's mom looked at the Chimchar and stopped mid screech, she pointed to the pinkish red monkey and blinked.

"You have a Chimchar..." Mom said.
"Yep it wanted to come with me.. Mommy~~ can we go see professor Rowan about getting a trainer card for me so I can please travel." Luna begged.

Chimchar feeling no threat to its new friend walked around looking at the house before laying down on a pillow and watching.

"I'll think about it.. Get up early tomorrow we have plans." Mom said leaving the room.
"YES! SCOTT CLEAN! THANK YOU CHIMCHAR!" Luna cried happily as her mother left the room.

What Luna didn't see was her mothers proud smile and sad eyes.

'Just like her father.' She thought going to the phone to call the professor.

Luna hit the floor not even seconds later passing out, Chimchar did its laugh and pulled Luna's pokeball blanket over her body and slept beside her. Chimchar had a friend now and it was determine to keep her.


phoenixflowers Broken_Wingedwolf Ayame_Hatake15 Sally_Teh_Heart Tnader this is for y'all!! SHOUT OUT BITCHES!!

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