Chapter two

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It was chilly out today colder then normal for twin leaf town, Luna had woke up early and was surprised to see she slept on the floor but what actually got her was that the dream she had about the Chimchar was real.. She herself had a Chimchar that came home with her.. The small pinkish red Pokemon looked up and winked cutely causing the trainer to be to giggle, she pulled on her pink jacket that had black shorts and a skin tight tang top underneath it, she pulled on her knee high white socks and pulled the large travel bag she had over her shoulder. Standing barefooted in her body mirror Luna retrieved her brush and fashioned her hair pulling her beanie over her ears, she finished the outfit with her White scarf that fit around her neck.

"Chimchar. Let's go wake up lazy bones." Luna giggled happily picking the now sleeping chimp up in her arms and going down to the living room where her favorite running boots where.
"There you are Luna.. Oh see Chimchar is still asleep. How about you put him in a pokeball?" Mom suggested.

I nodded and went to the large cabinet that once held her fathers trainer supplied, mom said she is keeping them for fathers return but Luna think she won't let the fact he left them go. This man left them with Mom's Empoleon and Lopunny, three pokeballs and a box that said 'For Luna happy 10th.' Which she still haven't opened. She grabbed the red and white one and tapped Chimchar's head sending him into the device. After three shakes there was a click and a ding meaning he was successfully sealed in the ball.

"Sweet! Ok mom where are we going?" Luna asked.
"Your going to Diamond's house to see if he will accompany to." Mom began.
"HEY!! LUNA!!" Pearl called busting into the house with the ever silent Diamond behind him.
"Speak of the devil and he shall appear in this case Diamond and pearl tagged along." She heard mom mumbled.

She looked at her two friends, Pearl wore a pair of holed blue jeans, a orange and white striped jacket with a black shirt underneath, and a green scarf. Diamond wore a blue jacket with a long sleeve red shirt underneath, he had a white scarf tied like an ascot around his neck and had on a red hat with black accents.

"Luna! Luna! Let's go! We have to see professor Rowan!" Pearl said happily.
"Pearl, shut up. Mrs. Platinum can't know." Diamond said silently.

Luna's mom laughed happily, and then sat down in her big chair in the living room, Luna was confused normally her mother would scold the trio about their planning.

"Mom? What are you not telling me?" Luna asked.
"Oh well sweetie, I was going to let you go on your journeys with Chimchar." Her mom said.
"Wait... Rewind... REALLY!!" Luna asked leaping around jostling Chimchar's pokeball and sending the now wide awake Pokemon out.

He looked around until his eyes landed on Pearl, with a protective growl stood in front of Luna. With this Diamond laughed and crouched lowly to eye level with the pinkish red monkey, he placed his hand out palm first. Chimchar did a laugh and backflipped, he touched diamonds palm and climbed onto Luna's shoulder.

"Umm?" Luna voiced.
"Monkey thing... I asked for permission to walk closer to you." Diamond said.
"Ok diamond has said more thing today then in his whole time knowing us! What's the deal!" Pearl exclaimed.
"Maybe I want to talk. You never do give us a chance Pearl." Diamond said sarcastically.

Luna laughed and walked to her mom placing a kiss on her cheek, she said that's he would call her as soon as she gets to sandgem town. Luna pulled on her pink running boots and pulled the two bickering boys out of her home and to route 201.

-Luna's point of view-

I stared down at char's pokeball, then back at the route. I took a deep breath and stepped into the wide world of Pokemon and trainers... I wiggled my toes in the boots I was wearing, it was nice..... I felt amazing!

"LUNA!!!" Mom called racing me with a box in her hand.

I looked at her then the box... It was the box I didn't open yesterday, she handed the box to me with a smile. I had no choice I was to open the box now, I opened the top of the box revealing a small ultra ball.

"A pokeball?" I asked.
"Toss the ball please your father sent this to you let's see what Pokemon he sent you." Mom said.
"Pokemon! Let's go!" I called tossing the pokeball out only to have it sling shot to my hand.

Out of the light came a set of sparkles and then a loud cry that sounded like it said shaymin.

"Umm mom?" I asked.
"Well it seems your father didn't lie when he said he caught a shaymin." Mom said lost in thought.

There was a small pop as char appeared and sniffed the shaymin, he held up a thumbs up and did a backflip.

-third person-
"Hello I'm Char." Char said to the small gratitude Pokemon.
"H-hello I-I'm Shaymin." She stammered.
"It's a pleasure to meet you. Did Luna's dad catch you?" Char asked.
"Y-yes.. He said I was going to be given to his little girl for her birthday as her partner." Shaymin said.

Char looked up at his friend and pounded his chest, then looked at the small Pokemon.

"We can both be Luna's partner! I saved her life so I want to be with her." He said with a proud thump.
"Oh that sounded like it hurt... Are you ok?" She said worriedly.

Chimchar looked down at Shaymin and blushed mumbling a yeah I'm ok. He picked Shaymin up and leaped into Luna's arms the moment she pulled out the pokeballs for him and Shaymin.

-Luna's point of view-
I returned Shaymin and walked into route 201, char had been a butt and popped out of his pokeball once more. I looked around the start of the route, I could go two ways; one to lake Verity and two was towards SandGem town. I sighed and took my steps slowly to SandGem town it wasn't like the lake wasn't going anywhere, I looked around as I came to a patch of grass that stretched further then I could see..I looked back to see Diamond and Pearl racing to me then past me a single pokeball in their hands...

"Where they your friends?" An old man asked.
"Char!!" Char cried glaring at the man for walking to me.
"yeah... They where.... I'm Luna Platinum and this is chimchar." I introduced.


Chapter two is now upon you all!! You'll know what to do so do it!!

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