#1 You're interested/dating a 5sos member

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Perrie: When you tagged along with her to go see Zayn and the rest of One Direction in concert, you were the most excited to see the opening act, 5 Seconds Of Summer, actually you mostly just wanted to see Michael, he made your heart flutter like no other boy could ever do. When you saw him playing his guitar doing sound check with the rest of 5SOS, you sat in the front row of seats and just sat there watching them. You bobbed your head along to the beat of the songs until they finished and finally noticed you. "(YN)?" Of course Michael would be the only one to recognize you. "Where's your sister?" you pointed backstage. "With her fiance where else would she be?" They all laughed and with Michael's help you got up onto the stage. "How are you guys doing?" "What?" you turn at Calum's question and he smirked at you and Michael. "How are you guys doing? Something's going on with you two and i'm gonna make sure it happens for real!"

Jade: "Oh hey there Luke." you say giddily as you find your way backstage. "(YN), right?" "Yeah." "Jade's sister?" "Luke, do we really have to go through this again, no one's around to know." Luke sighed and grinned as he took you into his arms and kissed you. "I missed you. Can you tell me again why your sister won't approve of us being together." Wrapping your arms around your neck, you sighed into his neck. "She's afraid that because you live mostly in Australia and I live mostly in Great Britain that we won't see each other very often and we'll just be so distanced and we'll break up and someone will get hurt from it." "We both turn 18 this year though." he was beginning to sound desperate and you so wanted to be able to change this. "I know, maybe then, but what about the living situation, Luke, i don't want to be away from you." "Then come live with me." "You'd be okay with that?" *Jade's POV* "They really like each other." Jesy said and i nodded. "She's my baby sister though." "And she's almost an adult, you've got to let her make her own decisions Jade and from the looks and sounds of it, Luke's gonna be apart of her life for a while."

Jesy: "I don't want to go." you groaned to your sister as you both finished getting ready for the night's events. "Look they invited One Direction, and of course Perrie had to go and she said we could go and i thought you'd like to go out for a night instead of being home alone in your bed whining over your ex boyfriend who you broke up with over a month ago. You need to move on, (YN), this might be the trick, just do it for me, okay?" Sighing, you nodded and followed her to the party and lost her immediately in the crowd. "Of course." you muttered and walked to the outer wall of the place before sitting down at a table, waiting for the night to just end already. "Like some company?" your eyes went from your phone and you looked up to see Calum from 5 Seconds Of Summer in front of you. "Sure, please." you motioned to the other seat and he sat down. "You are?" "(YN) Nelson. Jesy Nelson from Little Mix is my sister." Calum nodded. "I'm Calum, but from your shirt, you knew that." you were wearing a 5sos t-shirt and you smirked. "Yeah, i'm kind of a fan." "And your favorite would be?" "Would you be disappointed if i said it wasn't you?" "A little." he grinned and you put your phone away, propping yourself on your elbows, looking Calum in the eye. "Then disappointment isn't in your future cause you're my favorite by far."

Leigh-Anne: "She's in her room." you heard your sister, Leigh-Anne's voice and then footsteps heading to your door and hen the door opening and Ashton stood in the doorway. "What's up, (YN)." you had your bags packed and you now sat in the middle of everything and didn't know what else to do. "Am i making the right decision here, Ash?" He sat down next to you on the floor and grabbed a box, looking inside it before going back to you. "(YN), if you don't want to do this, you don't have to, i'm just letting you know that." You sighed and leaned into his side. "It's just i've been living with Leigh-Anne so long that i don't know any different." Ashton chuckled. "Well from the few times i've stayed over here with you, i can tell you living with me, it's pretty much the same the only difference being you'd be with me and not her." you laughed. "That doesn't sound too bad then, after we finish packing for me to go and live with you in Australia, can we go to dinner with my sister? I don't want to just leave her here when i go, i know she has a boyfriend but still, she's my sister." Ashton nodded. "Five star restaurant down the street from airport, we can make it work."


Hey guys so this is my first time so yeah xoxoxo vote and comment.

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