Part Five

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A/N: Heya! So this might be a bit longer than I thought haha- the fanfic I mean. I keep getting ideas for things that are kinda seperate ideas that could be oneshots but I want to include into this fanfic instead lmao. Also, for any mentions or future references of Robin's parents, I'm going to be taking their info from the Rebel Robin book and I will likely add small mentions of other things in the book too like past friends- I believe I also did that by including mentioning her knowing Barbara in the past? I dunno I can't remember haha. Anyways, enjoy! ~Jay/Harley

Word Count: 3,050 words (the longest so far!)


   "Hey! Robin! Wake up!"

   "Hmm?" Robin manages to say, sitting up and rubbing her eyes from the light in the room. She almost misses what Nancy says when she notices she's moving around the room at the end of the bed in just a bra and pants. Almost.

   "Do you have work today? I forgot that I did and I have to be there in a couple hours. If not, I can take you home or anywhere else but if so you need to get ready too." Nancy says all of this while grabbing things from her drawer and quickly putting on a shirt. She doesn't look in Robin's direction at all as says anything and Robin assumes that Nancy didn't notice her looking at her.

She frowns slightly, trying to think. "What day is it today?"

   "You forgot?" Nancy finally looks at Robin, grinning with a raised eyebrow. "It's Thursday. Yesterday was Wednesday."

Robin groans, getting up from the bed to stretch. "Don't judge my thinking when I just wake up. I only finished high school like, 4 months ago. I forgot for a second that I work weekdays now."

Nancy laughs, and Robin rolls her eyes before noticing Nancy's already dressed and starting to deal with her hair and makeup. "How have you changed already? Wait, is your hair wet?"

   "Yeah? I had a shower then came in here and waited a bit before waking you up. You can have a shower if you'd like, too. Otherwise, you should get ready. We still have to go get breakfast before leaving. You start at the same time as me, right?"

Robin is about to respond when the two of them hear a voice from downstairs shouting Nancy's name and 'Phone!'. Nancy stops what she's doing and goes over to her phone, picking it up and sitting on the bed. Curious, Robin walks around the bed and sits next to Nancy.

   "Oh, hey Steve! I didn't forget, but Robin probably would have," Nancy directs at Robin and Robin rolls her eyes at the smirk on Nancy's face about what she assumes was about her almost forgetting she has work today. "Don't say anything related to what you're about to say," Robin hears Nancy warn. "And yes, I'll drop her off at the store before I go to work. See you later, Steve," She finishes, putting her phone back down on its base.

   "What was that about? Telling him not to say something?" Robin asks, picking up her work clothes she'd folded into a pile on the floor on the side of the bed she was on. She opts for not bothering to have a shower, knowing she had one yesterday and will have another one later today anyways.

   "He was about to say something about you and I, but I stopped him as my mom has a habit of eavesdropping on the phone from what Mike has said. She's never done it with me before but I never know."

Robin nods, and then motions for Nancy to turn around so she can get changed. Once she does, she starts quickly changing from the pants and shirt Nancy had lent her to sleep in, into her clothes. When she's done, she uses a brush to brush through her hair and does some light makeup before going to sit back down on the bed to wait for Nancy.

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