Catching a Witch

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As Hansel looks for some clothes for their trap, and Gretel was else where, Scarlet was charged to go look for a pumpkin.

Scarlet walked down the streets of the town until she found the pumpkin stand.

As she went to buy a pumpkin she could feel someone come up next to her.

At first Scarlet ignored the person, but then she hears a familiar voice. "So, what's the pumpkin for?"

Scarlet looks up to see it was Ben from the night before and smiles as she answers. "Uh, witch hunting. It's for a trap."

Ben nods. "Oh, right. How does the trap work?"

Scarlet hands the money to the seller. "We take some children's clothing and stuff them with what we can, then use the pumpkin as a head, to make a fake child."

She takes the pumpkin from the stand and begins to walk away, Ben following her. "We also make a recording of a boy or girl calling for help.

Ben continues to follow her, listening very carefully. "We then plant said fake child and play the recording to lure the witch out. And... boom!"

He jumps back a little as Scarlet smiles. "We've got ourselves a witch."

Ben smiles widely and excitedly. "Wow, you're awesome."

Scarlet looks down shyly as Ben stutters. "I-I mean, what you do is awesome."

She giggles as Ben stumbles over his words. "Not to say your not awesome, because you are. I mean your awesome, amazing and beautiful and pretty, and... I, uh..."

Scarlet just smiles at the boys dorky nature, she found it cute how he was very starstruck by her.

Ben just nervously chuckles. "I'm just going to stop talking."

Scarlet nods, the two walking in an awkward, but comfortable silence.

After getting everything they needed, the three witch hunters set the trap.

As soon as the recording goes off, the witch followed it.

There the siblings watch as the witch approaches the "child" unsuspectingly.

Finally the witch reaches the "child" and reaches out to it, revealing its a fake.

The witch removes the record from the record player and is greeted by a hit to the legs by Hansel.

This makes the witch kneel down as Scarlet and Gretel come out.

Gretel aims her cross bow from the left, Hansel from the right and Scarlet from the front.

Hansel warns the witch. "You move, you die."

Jackson comes out from the trees as Hansel tell Scarlet. "Get her wand."

Scarlet reaches for it, but can't take it as the witch attacks all three of them.

The witch knocks back Scarlet, before kicking Hansel down. She then attacks Gretel as Jackson runs towards them.

The witch takes Gretel's crossbow, aiming it at Hansel. She shoots an arrow at him, but he luckily dodges it.

Gretel jumps on the witches back making the witch drop the crossbow.

The witch elbows Gretel in the face as Scarlet and Hansel try to reach for their weapons. They were stopped when the witch threw Gretel at Scarlet and Hansel.

Jackson tries to attack the witch, but gets slapped to the ground.

The witch runs away as the three siblings cause after her. She finds her broom, and takes off, but Hansel knocks her down with a hard hit right the stomach.

The witch falls to the ground and attacks Hansel as Scarlet and Gretel take out their knives.

They run at the witch and try not to get hit by her broom, but fail.

The witch hits Scarlet in the stomach, before knocking Gretel off her feet.

She hits Gretel with Hansel gun, before hitting Scarlet in the back knocking her down.

Gretel obtains Hansel's gun and attempts to shoot the witch, but is stopped and pushed into a tree.

The witch tries to hit her, but ends up hitting the tree instead.

Gretel groans in pain as Scarlet crawls over to her.

The witch used her broom to yank Scarlet back. Scarlet goes flying over Hansel and Gretel and hits her back on a tree

Scarlet lands on the ground and groans in pain as Hansel looks down at her annoyed. "Will you stop that?"

Scarlet brings up her hand and used her middle finger to flip him off.

Hansel uses a grapple hook string and throws it onto the witches broom. He then ties it around his waist before getting pulled further into the woods.

Scarlet coughs as Gretel helps her up. "Scarlet come on. We have to get up."

Scarlet groans in pain, but gets up.

They gather all the weapons and catch up with Hansel.

Gretel passes Hansel his gun as they walk up to the witch, trapping her.

The witch gets up breathing heavily and goes to use her wand, but was stopped by Jackson, who electrocuted her from the waist.

The witch falls to the ground defeated as Jackson smiles. "Ooh. I like your toys."

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