Demonstration of Superiority

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Arthur and Nero stand at the doorway of the ORC, Mordred and Gareth at the sidelines to avoid their king's wrath. Rias and the others are sweating bullets due to Arthur's overwhelming aura and in his hand is Excalibur, glowing as if it's ready to slice through something.

Rias: "w-w-who are y-you?!"

Arthur: "my name is none of your concern. I'm here to pick up my daughter and niece and I find devils trying to convince them to become devils. I find that revolting."

Rias: "what do you mean?! if you become a devil and join my peerage, you can become powerful and be part of my family. just think of the privileges you will gain as a devil!"

Arthur: "Watch your tongue...mongrel.." 

(play until stop)

Mordred, Nero and Gareth look at Arthur and see his eyes with pale yellow. Mordred and Gareth sweat a bit and the devils fall on their knees from the dark pressure of the King.

Rias: "please, you never know when people will come after you for your power! if you, the lady, Mitsuki and Gina join me, I can protect you from all the dangers that-"

she was cut off when Arthur's aura exploded violently shaking the building and causing a few cracks to form on the walls. Mordred and Gareth have never seen King pissed off.

Mordred: "holy shit

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Mordred: "holy shit...I never seen father so angry before...back then he never showed emotions but now...this is new side of him...and...Im fucking terrified!!"

Gareth: "the King is angry! the King is Angry! what do I do?! what do I do?!"

Arthur cracks his left hand and his eyes glow yellow and his hair turning slightly pale and the aura only grew bigger as the Rias and her peerage fall to the ground, the gravity around them keeping them from getting up.

Arthur: "You dare bribe me with such insolent offers? you tried to influence my daughter and niece into becoming filthy bats? that will have consequences! I must presume you are prepared for them!..."

Rias: "this is..!"

Rias could not think straight and feared for her life as Arthur approached Rias lifting his hand up slowly above her head, ready to crush it with ease and such force. the other members could not get up and were screaming not to kill Rias, but the King of Knights refused to listen and his hand gets near her head, but thats when Nero steps in and hugs Arthur from behind, stopping him in his tracks. his aura dissipates and the pressure stops. 


Nero: "calm's not like you to be like this..." she says gently. Arthur's eyes turn back to normal and hair turns back to their normal blonde. he puts his hand down.

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