I am...the Breath of the Red Dragon...

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Issie, Cu Chulainn and Kiba are in a bounded field created by Angelica Ainsworth, preventing any real destruction being caused. Kiba summons his Holy Eraser and the Sword of Betrayer. Issei activates his Boosted Gear and Cu gets into his stance.

Angelica: "fighting is pointless. you will not win."

Cu: "Just wait. I learned my lesson when a certain someone can back up their arrogance with power."

Angelica: "Foolish."

Angelica fires 50 swords at the trio and they dodge it but the explosion separates them. Cu charges at her and thrusts his lance forward but she side steps and fires an axe at him. with Cu being a very fast servant, Cu managed to twist his body around and catch the axe mid flight and toss it aside, letting it explode on the ground. Angelica brings out a large broadsword and swipes at Cu, but he jumps back and activates his Noble Phantasm.


he throws his lance at mach speed and Angelica opens a ripple and fires a sword at it, deflecting it but the lance redirects and makes a b-line towards her and it hits her and it causes an explosion. 

Issei: "did you get her?"

when the smoke clears, the trio sees Angelica with a minor scratch on her that was closing.

Cu: "Tch, fuck my luck. I would've had her heart if it wasn't for my luck."

Issei lifts his gauntlet and activates his sacred gear and transfers energy to Kiba and he sprints at Angelica and deflects some of her flying blades. Kiba uses his sword birth and throws many blades at her blades to destroy them. Cu and Issei rush at her sides and attempt to strike her, but two ripples open and block their weapons with two swords she summons from her Gate of Babylon.

Issei jumps back and flies up a bit and fires a Dragon Shot and it hits Angelica square on and Cu charges up his Noble Phantasm again and sends it and it causes another explosion where Angelica is

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Issei jumps back and flies up a bit and fires a Dragon Shot and it hits Angelica square on and Cu charges up his Noble Phantasm again and sends it and it causes another explosion where Angelica is.

Issei: "No way she survive that, right?"

???: "don't push your luck, rabid dog."

a barrage of weapons is fired from the smoke and explodes around Cu, Kiba and Issei, injuring them. Cu sustained some damage, but Issei and Kiba took a lot of damage. Cu uses one of his runes and heals Issei and Kiba while he goes and battles Angelica.

Issei: "Damn it...shes so strong."

Ddraig: 'Partner, lets try using some of the magic Senji Muramasa trained you with.' 

Issei: "alright, lets go."

Ddraig: "BOOST!"

Issei stands up with his gauntlet glowing green and his strength increasing. Cu Chulainn gets tossed to the side by Angelica's chains of heaven. Angelica looks at Issei and is surprised a bit to see a familiar magic.

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