Chapter 20

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Osamu pov

"daddy why are you here" Katsu asked as he walked out of the room with Ash. The only two that can walk.
"Why are you touching mama" Ash asked and Suna sighed then leaned into my ear to whisper something to me.
"Please don't be mad but I told them what was going on. Our children aren't stupid babe. They saw how much I was crying." Suna whispered in my ear desperate for me to believe him.

I smiled and let out a sigh.
"I'm not mad baby. I will talk with them okay" I whispered then Katsu cleared his throat harshly. For a 3 year old this kid had a attitude and I have no idea where he got it from. *cough cough* Suna *cough cough*.
"Dad why are you touching mama like that" Ash asked then I looked atmy position. I had my hands stuffed down the back of Sunas pants we were both shirtless and Suna had his hands tangled in my hair.

I let go of Suna and placed my shirt back on. He did the same. Then I walked to the kids room and grabbed Katsu and Ash's hands. Well I attempted to by the pulled away. I went into the room and sat down I a chair next to the beds. They all slept in beds with bars on them to keep them from falling off.

There were one bed on each side of the chair I was on

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There were one bed on each side of the chair I was on.
"Please sit" I said and katsu sat infront of me. Ash hesitated but then sat next to Katsu then the other two woke up. Katashi crawled out of bed and went to sit by Katsu who he was closest to. And Kiyo waited for Ash to come get him. Katsu and Katashi were unseat let I'm surprised that Katsu left Katashi here. They even shared a bed together and Ash and kiyo were the same. Ash was very protective of kiyo and they shared a bed.

The three sat on the floor but kiyo stayed standing still waking up from his nap. Then he looked at me.
"DADDY!"He yelled and hugged me as tight as he could. I hugged him back as his Alpha brothers growled. Ash came and took kiyos hand and they sat with eachother.

"Why are you here" Katsu asked. For a three year old he had a big vocabulary so did Katashi and Ash. Kiyo on the other hand not so much.
"Listen. I'm sorry" I said and Ash, Katsu, and Katashi rolled there eyes kiyo just sat there.
"Mama cried so much. Because of you" Katashi said and I nodded. Kiyo finally spoke up.
"Mama cry so much" Kiyo said looking down and I sighed.
"I know daddy was stupid and he did something bad." I said and the kneeled and hugged them all.
"I'm sorry. And I will definitely say sorry to Mama" I said eyeing Suna who was standing in the doorway ever since I came in here.

He smiled and then Katsu whispered something in my ear and his brothers followed.
"I love you dad" Katsu said. Then Ash and Katashi repeated it but not kiyo.
"Kiyo you okay?" I asked letting them go to look at Kiyo.
"Daddy" he said and I nodded.
"Stupids a bad word" he said and his brothers and Suna giggled.

I sighed and hugged him.
"I'm sorry" I said and he hugged me back.
"Well as long as your sorry." He said and the whispered.
"I love you daddy" he said and I hugged him tighter. I was definitely crying now. So was Suna. Then I let go and Suna walked in and wiped his tears. Kiyo noticed.
"No mama crying" Kiyo said and katsu looked at me and growled.
"Katsu!" Suna said and he stopped.
"Don't worry. These are happy tears" Suna said and then kissed Kiyos head.
"Okay guys time to finish your nap" he said and the made a 'awh' sound. The crawled into their beds. Ash had a protective arm around Kiyo. And Katashi had his head on Katsu chest and Katsu had a arm around Katashi. I

Suna sighed. He has tried to separate them more so this doesn't turn into a Hikaru and Kaoru thing. (If you know what I mean. No judging though. I love them).

Suna stepped to me and placed his head on my should looking at our cuddling kids.
"Don't worry. I'm sure they will go out of it. Plus it's normal. This is how me and Atsumu were when we were kids. Well st times. I said and Suna looked at me.
"Yeah that definitely helps" Suna said sarcastically.
"What" I asked and he rolled his eyes.
"Yeah now you hate eachother" Suna said as he walked out shutting the door.
"I don't hate Atsumu. I love his I mean he is my twin. But we just find it hard to agree on things" I said and Suna gave me a sarcastic 'mhm'.

I made sure the door to the kids room  was shut then I slammed Suna into a wall and kissed him.
"Mhmph Samu" he said in the kiss then I backed up.
"Where is your room" I said and he smiled.
"Why" he asked and and I smirked.
"I have some apologizing to do" I said and he smirked then grabbed my hand.

This it going to be the best apology ever 😏😏

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