Nothing But A Gentlemen

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I knew my father was going to see Uncle Ice and as much as I wanted to go I know the trip was mainly for my father. He's a struggling teacher needing guidance. Not to mention I believe the conversation had something to do with Rooster. I didn't want to be a part of it.

Besides, afterward dad pulled all the Top Gun graduates down to the ocean where he had them play dog fighting using a football and dividing the teams. It looked like their ability to work as a team increased in the sand. Their teamwork allowed wins to be made. I just hope they're able to use those skills in the field.

The boys, even Phoenix, looked smoking hot with their rock hard bodies, sweaty abs, sandy bodies from being tackled. The sun rays hit consistently as the sun set over the horizon creating that golden hour look. It was a stunning sight to say the least. Unfortunately while they enjoyed the sun shirtless and I was heating up inside.

Call my stupid but I found myself staring at Hangman ninty percent of the time. He seemed to let loose, have fun, no teasing. It was a different side of him I was able to see and I liked that side of him. A couple times I caught myself smiling and even laughing at him, seeing him filled with happiness. I laughed at his joy when he celebrated his victory against his opposing team.

Though lately I've been staying at the base. My dad and I still haven't had a civil conversation since that day in the office. A part of me is grateful for it considering he is distracted by Rooster and the mission. Also he's been spending more time with Penny and I know she makes him happy. That happiness is all I wish for him and now he's found it.

Rooster has been with his teammates and me? I've been camped out in a dorm room. I've been creating notes for the next phase to hand to Admiral Simspon.

A knock interrupts my thoughts when a ruggedly handsome young man walks into my room without knocking. "So this is where you've been hiding out, Viper."

"What do you want, Hangman? I'm in the middle of something."

"More important than me?"

"Entirely. These notes won't write themselves for the Admiral."

He leans up against the doorframe grunting in displeasure. He eventually walks around looking at my belongings. Lucky for me I don't have anything indicating Maverick is my father or Rooster is like my brother. Yes, I have pictures with Rooster.

I hear him shuffle some of my papers around on my little desk. Hangman grins at my flushed cheeks as he runs through my shit. I throw my pen and notebook down glaring up at him.

"What the fuck do you actually want, Hangman."

"Oh please, we are off duty just call me Jake," he smiles like he didn't just annoy me into giving him attention.

"Okay Jake," he quirks a brow concerning me. I furrow my brows as his eyes train on their target: me. "What?"

"Do I get to know your real name, Viper?"

I lick my lip trying to decipher what the hell he's getting at. Why does the fucker have to be so damn hot? "Viper for now."

He awes, "oh so I'll get to learn your name at some point?"

"If you continue being an insensitive prick it won't happen."

"Insensitive? I'm nothing but a gentleman."

I scoff laughing at his self obsessed self. I lift myself off my bed walking over to him. "Keep telling yourself that. Look, the chain on my mood swings will snap if you continue to mess with me. So tell me why you're really here then leave, would you?"

He chuckles to himself, "I thought it was pretty obvious why I was here."

I step in front of him feeling his breath fan my face yet again. "I'm not someone you can simply fuck one night then ditch late in the night, Hangman. You've been after me since you spotted me in that bar. I am not someone you want to mess with."

"And why is that?"

"Fuck around and find out."

He steps forward making me step back. Keeping up his speed he closes my door locking it behind him without leaving my gaze. I gulp quietly as he backs me up to my bedside. His eyes flicker from my eyes to my lips making me pinch them shut.

"I saw you watching me this last week, Viper. Nobody else has noticed but I did," he stops swallowing, thickly averting his eyes up and down my body until they lock back onto my eyes. "I know I come off as a dick but I'm not lying when I say I want you."

Being me the only logical thing to do is play dumb. Meaning that I'll just load him with questions until I run out and can't avoid the fact that he just admitted indirectly that he likes me.

"My body?"


"Are you sure?"


"I think you're blind. Money?"


I find myself quickly running out of excuses finding it difficult to ignore his statement.

"Come on Viper, stop playing stupid I know you know what I mean." I wince at the fact he just called me out like the total idiot I am. Well I guess I can't deny it now.

"Me?" he nods slowly while humming to further confirm. My mouth gaps unable to find the right words. I shut my trap to think. After a moment a thought pops into my mind making me look up to him. "Would you want me more than this mission?"

He shakes his head with a smile. He rests his hands on my waist pulling my body into his. "Mission or no mission, I'm only thinking of you, Viper. You're driving me insane."

I grin, taking my bottom lip between my teeth. And with that, our lips touch.


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