Chapter 9: Understand your powers

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Well it's time to see how much pain and torture Saji can handle, and if he will even be able to return. But before we get to that, I belive something just as interesting is happening in the unexplored territory's of the underworld. Wonder what's happening there?

( Unexplored Territory of the Underworld)

Out in a wast and dry up land of hard dirt, sand and rocky terain. Where the only alive things are unmatched monsters, and the remaing demons of a long forgotten time. Where winds that can rip almost any being apart in a matter of seconds. Sat two people on the top of the tallested mountain in the whole territory. Both seemed to not mind the constant winds, rip their cloths apart slowly, or the growls of hungry monster below them.

Of course they didn't, as why would two of the worlds strongest race care enough to notice those beneath them. One of them was a young man, as far as his looks went at least. He had long and almost tentacle like hair, which was both blonde and black, each color per each of the many tentacles of hair. His eyes were as stranges as his hair, as his left eye was golden, while the right was black. He wore a rather millitary like cloths, or at least what would look like millitary cloths.

His compain was a small girl, with long black hair and dull grey eyes. She had chest open and exposed, but at least she covered her "breast" with tape. They both just sat there still and none caring about the litteral hundreds of hungry creatures below them, trying their best to climb up to them and eat them. At least they did until a sudden spark of dark lighting struck  down through them, killing them all in a matter of seconds.

" Annoying pest's.. why can't I ever just have momments worth of quiet?" Asked the man, as he sighed in annoyence, making the small girl look over at him with expresionless face." I know you enjoy their struggel, Ultimet Evil Dragon." The small said, making them male look annoyed as he hated how she seemed to know everything, but still turned his head towards her." Yeah, yeah. Whatever you say, Snake. What do you want from me? You don't normally talk with me.. or any of us." Asked the man, with a slight bit of curiusty.

The girl just looked out over the horrizen, seeing the wast derset that the creatures that had just died, as well the man next to her calls home." I talked to Issei the other day, he's been realesed again." She said with not much change to her tone, but a rather creepy smile, or whatever this smile was. The man looked on with interest, as a slight smile formed on his face." Oh really my nephew is out again? Maybe I should vist him." The man spoke as he stroked his chin.

He then looked over at the small girl again, as another question arose in his head." So what did you two talk about? Did he say yes to joining us?" The man asked with a small bit of exictment in voice, even moving his upper mostly towards the girl next to him. She rather then answer, just formed a happy smile instead, then towards him." He finally let me become his godmother." She said with joy, much to the mans dismay. His face litteraly froze, as he had hoped something more importan had happened.

Then something else sprung alive in his mind.' Who said you could be my nephew's godmother?'. He turned his whole body towards, as an Uncle like rage build up inside him." Who said you could be his godmother! I am the only family his needs, you old bag of snakes!" The man yelled. His yelling was so powerfull that the winds stopped for a few seconds, before returning. It even made the little girl be pushed away by a millimeter.

Her happy smile, returned to her emotianel ones, along with her whole aura." I asked him and he said yes. So your input is hereby invailed. He is now my son, even if he is over 20.." The little girl proudly statet, much to man dismay. His form began to slightly shift as his body began to grow in ways that made him less human, but more dragonic. He stood proudly over 30 meters tall, but got stopped by his sense, as he sensed the very person he and the little girl had talked about.

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