(31) air

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Dex whistled lowly. "How the mighty have fallen."

Sophie slid down the wall to slouch beside him on the gym floor. "Whatever," she said, blowing a stray hair out of her eyes—one of the few strands that wasn't completely caked in blue slime.

"At least tell me you didn't get splotched by like, a second year."

"Actually, it was Biana," Sophie admitted smugly. "So take that."

 A couple of years ago she might not have felt so proud, but ever since skills training had become more widely implemented, competition at the Ultimate Splotching Tournament had become fierce. Her friends had improved tremendously as well, so a loss to Biana was nothing to sniff at.

Dex sighed. "I guess you'll have to kick Fitz's butt some other time." He shook his head. "And I was really looking forward to it, too."

She rolled her eyes. "Dex..." she scolded lightly.

"Hey, all jokes here," he insisted, and then glanced at something over her shoulder. "Although it looks like we can watch your boyfriend do the honors instead."

A loud cheer erupted from the other side of the gym. Sophie followed Dex's gaze to where the last remaining splotching rounds were being battled out. One particular match had just ended in a dramatic splatter of orange, leaving a familiar head of blond hair untouched. Keefe had made it to the final round.

"Oh, this I have to see," Sophie exclaimed, grabbing Dex's hand and dragging him with her.

She squeezed through the throng of prodigies to get a better look. Fitz and Keefe stood directly across from one another, a green splotcher resting on the ground between them as they waited for their match to start.

"Saving the best for last, Vacker?" Keefe teased.

"First time making it to the finals?" Fitz shot back.

"Wow, you really know how to talk to a guy."

"You know I'm all yours, Sencen."

Dex scowled. "Are they arguing or flirting?"

"Maybe it's better if we don't know," Sophie muttered.

Keefe glanced into the crowd, his face lighting up when he spotted her. She gave him an encouraging smile. You got this, Keefe.

He grinned. I know.

Sophie lifted her hand to blow him a kiss. In turn, Keefe pretended to catch it and hold it to his heart, earning a laugh from her.

Then a whistle sounded, and the match began.

The splotcher rose into the air and hovered between the two boys. They tensed, their faces screwed up in heavy concentration as the splotcher began to shudder under the force of their opposing telekinesis.

The prodigies began chanting and cheering as the round drew on, but Sophie was only focused on Keefe. His face was beginning to flush with exertion, and she was almost certain he was gritting his teeth the way he does when he's frustrated.

"Come on, come on," she whispered.

The splotcher wobbled in the air—then it was yanked to one side.

Sophie jumped in surprise as cheers and applause erupted among the spectators. Even Dex let out an approving whoop.

Fitz blinked through the green slime dripping down his face. "Well. That's a first," he admitted.

Keefe immediately turned to catch Sophie's eye again. "That was for you, Foster!" he exclaimed, bringing both hands to his mouth. "Mwah!"

He was quickly swarmed by the attention of the other prodigies offering their congrats and beaming with admiration. Sophie giggled, watching in amusement as he narrowly avoided a congratulatory slime handshake from Fitz.

"Well?" Dex gave her a nudge. "You gonna go over there and give Keefe a big celebratory smooch?"

"Nah," Sophie answered. "I think I'll save it."

Dex frowned. "Save it for what?"

She grinned at him mischievously. "For when I get to kick Fitz's butt, too."

Dex just gave her an approving fist bump in response.

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