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Nam turns around after wasting a minute setting his hair. A minute in tying his tie, a minute finding his Watch. then he hears the sound of two cars arriving.

" Jungkook the car has arrived. You should hurry up otherwise you will be late for breakfast with your Hyung. It's not good to go out without eating anything. Okay "

Nam takes the luggage trolley and
Jungkook slides his bag into his shoulder. He gripped Namjoon's free wrist and walked behind him to the main gate.

Jungkook's bodyguard rushed to take his luggage trolley and puts it in the car's Dickey. Jungkook realised that he was still holding his wrist. He looks at him and smiled so did Namjoon. Suddenly Jungkook feels awkward. It's hurting.

" Namjoon ......" he tried

" So... They arrived on time. " He used the fake smile.

" Yeah... I should leave now. I don't want to be late."

" Yes. Of course ... Take care and call me when you will reach. Umm bye "

" yeah Bye ..."

These are not words he wants to hear before leaving Seoul. Jungkook turning his back takes steps towards the car. Glancing over his shoulder if his husband will call him or say something that he forgets to tell him.

But he doesn't get to hear the voice wants to hear. He's eyes Get teary and unknowingly he's pouting. He turned fully to face Namjoon before opening the door of the car. Namjoon waves his hand saying him bye also gives him a thumbs up as all the best.

But Jungkook couldn't even do that because his inner voice was crying like a baby. If he will say something, he's sure he will Sutter. His hands were trembling. So he Gets in the car and then he puts the mask on and asked to drive. Nam stayed there till the car was Invisible on the road.

Jungkook throws his head back and closes his eyes . he recalls the things he said to him, the way Nam kissed him and with so much love he hugged him. He wants to be embraced again by his husband right there but he was with him.

He wiped his eyes and then took the phone out of the bag, pressing the button the first thing he saw was his husband's pics on his lock screen. He kissed the screen then puts on his earphones and played his favourite song to listen to.

Nam doesn't feel good to have breakfast alone, he thought they will eat together but here is sitting alone. Pushing the plate away he Gets up and takes working kinds of stuff like his bag, tiffin box, Handkerchief etc . then headed to the office.

time skips

Saying " see you later Hyung" to his bandmates when he reached the hotel. jungkook closes the door and sighs. He feels really tired. he throws his bag on the bed and throws himself on the bed. Moving his head left and right he scanned the room. It looks classy but not like their bedroom.

Shit ..... He forgets to call his Nam. He sits on the bed crossing his legs. He took out his phone and sees five missed calls. He immediately pressed on a callback. It's ringing but not receiving, he tried again. After thrice he threw the phone on the bed. Next is his leather jacket.

" God .. why is this happening again? He must be angry at me. Why remembered on time? Fuck. What if Namjoon doesn't call me back? what if he started...... No no no ....be positive Jungkook. You're his husband. He loves you .... Yeah he loves me ..... But Namjoon ...."

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