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Jungkook was welcomed at home.
Nam advised him to take a bath first and he obeyed. Nam was playing with little Kim Angel in the living room, and his parents were admiring them from afar. Jungkook didn't take much time and returned to the living room. He has to put on his husband's oversize shirt and pants like an employee going to the office.

His moms were bringing snacks and the maid was bringing tea for them.

“ Sit with us Jungkookie." His dad said.

“ Sure." He smiled at them. Little Angel immediately went to sit on his lap, leaving Namjoon surprised. Just a moment before, she was promising her that he's the only her favorite person in the whole world until Jungkook entered. He kissed on her head.

“ Kookie.. So you also eat snakes like us?"

“ Of course. I also eat snacks like you."
Jungkook said in his baby tone and they giggled. Nam excused himself to take a shower as well. Jungkook was stressed and nervous to talking to his parents in — laws, however his father-in-law broke the ice when Angel went to bring her doll to show it to Jungkook.

They spend a moment while speaking, and Jungkook ends up recounting that he hadn't lunched. So his mother-in-law rushed to the kitchen to see whether dinner had been read or not. The servant informed her that it will take an hour to finish cooking dinner.

She returned with a disappointed face, but Jungkook wasn't there anymore. Angel has taken him with her to show her drawings. She was showing her drawing, which were wonderful, but then they're interrupted by Namjoon.
He was there to assist her with her math homework.

When they finished, they came down to the dining room as the maid had informed them to come down and have dinner. The little family has enjoyed having dinner together, specially Angel. When they finished, his parents took Angel with them to their bedroom after saying good night.

Jungkook went to the bedroom first because he was feeling uncomfortable in those clothes. He took off his shirt and pants, only wearing his husband's short, he was waiting for Nam.

Nam appeared after a moment with a water bottle. Nam smiled at him when their eyes met. He shuts the door and kept the bottle on the nightstand.

He sits next to him on the bed.

“ You look tired?"

Jungkook nodded.

“ Did a lot of practice to perform tomorrow."

“ Want to lie down?"

Jungkook shook his head.

“ Intend to talk. A lot."

“ Okay. Wait for a moment here. “

Namjoon said and went to the balcony where two chairs were set. He put them in the corner to make space, then he comes back to the room. He opened the cupboard to took out a new woolen mat and two pillows. That when Jungkook followed him to see what was his husband doing exactly.

“ Mind Blowing. Kudos."

He spread the mat on the floor, then set two pillows as well. Jungkook liked the idea, so he also brought three more pillows with him and handed his husband to settle it.

Nam sits down leaning on glass railing while legs spreading straight. He patted the spot beside him and Jungkook immediately sat down next him, wrapping Nam's arm around his neck and clung to his husband.

“ So how was your day? “ Jungkook asked. Beginning with a casual topic.

“ Today? Very busy. You know I had to go to the airport in the morning then to drop Angel school also has picked up her from school at noon. And in the evening I also had to take her to the nearest shop to buy her chocolate that Jin Hyung recommended."

Jungkook felt a little sad as his husband is so exhausted and here he's talking to him instead of resting.

“ Do you want to go bad? We can have this conversation another day." Jungkook suggested. However, Nam shook his head.

“ I want to listen to you. So how was your day?"

“ I did an interview and it was good. I already told you about the practice, so nothing else." Jungkook said. He intertwined their fingers and bringing it to his mouth, he kissed Nam's knuckle.

“ And what will be headlined of the interview? Jeon Jungkook is new father of K-pop?"

“ Not at all. It will be Jeon Jungkook has to confess that he is in love with someone. I guess they are going to assume that the person is from K-pop as well."

“ What? “ Nam was stunned presently, and Jungkook sits straight at the shocked response of his husband.

“ Jungkook? What were you thinking, admitting it. You know the confession would create troubles for you, to your band. Fuck, even some going to accuse you for that for this. You're unbelievable."

Jungkook was also surprised the way Nam has responded. He wasn't expecting it. He considered Nam would be proud of his decision, hence here he is taunting him like a's a kid who is not mature enough.

Furthermore, he stood up furiously and walked to the room while Nam also followed in rush.

“ Jungkook, we haven't finished yet."

“ Namjoon. I'm a human too. I also have life and life partner. And I also want to talk about him to the world like others do. I'm done with keeping our relationship secret. I thought you would be happy about it, but no, you're scolding to accept to the world that I'm in love with someone. Even though I haven't spoken your Name Kim Namjoon."

Jungkook yelled at him.

Thank God Nam has locked the door and the room was soundproof.

Jungkook was breathing heavily because of his outburst.

They're standing in a distance.

“ You're not concerned about you and your career. Can you even imagine what will be the consequences of your confession? They wouldn't admire like they used to do. I don't get it to what to archive you have."

“ At least there will be no men lusting over after they find out I'm married, and that's enough for me."

Namjoon didn't respond immediately. He is angry, but he is listening to him, every word carefully.

“ What?" Nam whispered.

Jungkook eyes shined with tears.

They're still standing in the distance.

“ Jungk.." Namjoon didn't even finish calling his name and Jungkook hurried to hug him and started to sob.


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