Chapter 12: Friends?

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Will Byers

I wake up the next day and the sun has already risen. The first thing I do is look at the time. The clock reads 9:23 a.m. It's later than I typically sleep in, but I'm not complaining. At least I got some sleep.

Now, I need to call someone. More specifically, Maxine. I need advice and she gives out the best.

I dial the number: (***)***-****

It rings 3 times before someone picks up.


"Hey Max! It's Will. I was wondering if I could get your opinion on something. Something really important. Can I come over?"

"Uh I guess so, sure. When are you comming by?"

"I'm going to get change and then I'll leave, so in about 15 minutes."

"Alright I'll see you then."

"Okay, bye."


We don't talk much so she might think I'm weird, but she won't want to miss what I'm going to tell her.

I place the phone back I it's holder and go back to my room. I open the door to my closet and look through my clothes.

I decide to go with a blue shirt with a yellow stripe on each sleeve, and a pair of denim shorts.

I brush my hair, then slip on my socks and shoes. I grab my backpack and load it with a bunch of random things I might need for the day, including snacks and my walkie.

My mom already left for work and Jonathan is still sleeping, so I don't worry about saying goodbye to any one, but I will leave a note for when he wakes up and I'm not here.

I grab a stack of sticky notes and a pen, then quickly scribble down what I want to say.

Gone to Max's for a little while, I'll be back later.

He probably won't even care. I've been out and about all summer so he doesn't worry much anymore.

And with that I open the back door, walk through it, close it, walk down the steps and then pick up my bike from where it was leaning against the house. I get on it and start to ride.

I don't know exactly where I'm going, but she told us the street she lives on and I'll be able to tell which house is hers because of her brother's car.

It takes a bit, but I finally get there. Max is sitting on her front porch, probably waiting for me.

"You can just set that wherever as long as cars can still get in." She says, motioning towards my bike.


"So what is this about?"

"Can I come in? I'd rather talk about this inside." I say to her. She gets up from the steps and opens the door.

"C'mon in." I follow her into the house, going down a hallway and up the stairs where she opens another door. Most likely her bedroom door. I don't see Billy, but I hear music blasting from another part of the house, so he must be home.

"Is this about Lucas or something?" She asks, hinting at if she should be worried or not.

"No, no. It's not about him. In fact, I don't even know if I'm supposed to tell him."

"Tell him what?"

Before I can answer, her phone rings and interupts.

"I got it." She walks over to a different wall of her room and picks up the phone.

"Hello?" She asks.

"Hey is Will there? It's Jonathan."

"Yeah, you wanna talk to him?"

"Uhm yeah. Dustin called a few minutes ago looking for him, asking why he wasn't at the mall yet. Could you put him on for me?"

"Yeah, sure." She replies. "It's for you." She hands me the phone.

"Hey, what's up?" I ask my brother.

"Did you make plans with Dustin and then blow him off to hang out with Max? Because that's not a good friend move."

"I know and I'll call him back but this is more important at the moment."

"What do you mean, Will? Since when do you and Max hang out?

"We don't, really. It's just for today. I gotta go. Bye Jonathan."

"Okay fine, Will. Bye."

I hang up the phone and turn back around to face Max.

"What was that all about?" She asks me, looking confused.

"I was supposed to go with Dustin to the mall today for a meeting-type thing involving Russians, and I didn't show up. He's probably mad at me right now."

"What's so important to you about being here? Will, what's happening. You're freaking me out a bit over here."

"I'm sorry, I just need someone to talk to right now. Someone who isn't as close to me as the other three. Like, I know we're friends but we've never really just hung out one on one. Does that make sense?"

"I guess so, yeah. And it's completely fine if you want to talk to me. I wanna get to know you better, so lay it on me. What's going on with you? How can I help?"

After about an hour of just talking back and forth, Max now knows about the Russians in Hawkins, and how I'm being left out by my friends whenever I'm around them.

"Damn, that's some heavy shit." She sighs, laying back on her bed with her arms on either side of her. Meanwhile I'm sitting on her desk chair.

"You know what'll make you feel better?"


"Going for a walk. Fresh air helps clear the mind. Let's go." She grabs my arms and leads me out the door and into the hallway. We go down the stairs leading to her living room/kitchen. But then we hear a voice coming from behind us.

"Who's this, Max? You finaly ditch that Lucas kid for someone better?" Billy questions. We both turn around, facing him.

"No, Billy. He's just a friend."

"That's too bad; I like his hair." And with that Max and I continue out the door and into the street.

"Well that was interesting." I comment. She scuffs.

"Yeah he's a real asshole." (He is)

"So... Does this make us friends friends?

"Yeah. This makes us friends friends." We both smile, genuine smiles at eachother. I think this'll turn out good for us.

Please don't comment on the fact that I always post at like 12:00 at night, it's when I get the most inspiration to write.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2022 ⏰

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