Chapter 20: Selene's Tale

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"Yeah, I'm well aware of how much this means to you." Ziek kissed Selene on the cheek. "Goodbye Selene," He took a dose of Sun Repellant and walked out of the castle. Selene stood there speechless. That was it, her relationship with Ziek was over just like that. Inside she was screaming, wanting to let out tears but this wasn't the time for tears. She had so much to deal with right now. Her dream was at stake.

"You made the right choice Selene," Blaire lightly patted her on the shoulder. "I know it hurts, but he was going to leave you anyway. Better it be now then a few years down the road. You'll thank me for this later." She went to walk away but Selene stopped her.

"I need an honest answer Blaire," Selene forced a swallow. "Did Ziek really try to rape you?" Blaire took her arm off her.

"Why would I lie about something like that?" Blaire pulled Selene in for a hug. "Selene, you're my best friend. I would never do anything to hurt you." She ran her hands through Selene's over and over again. "Surely you'd know that," Blaire smiled. "After all," She laughed. "We're like sisters, now, go, you've got work to do. Don't let Ziek have another moment in your thoughts. He's trash anyway." She watched as Blaire walked toward the throne room.

The moment Blaire left, Selene couldn't help herself. She couldn't fully believe that Ziek tried to rape Blaire. That didn't seem like something he'd do and if that's what she believed. Then she only knew of one person who could help her get Ziek back. Selene began dialing Angel's phone number hoping to reach him. She waited but his phone went to voicemail. That's right, he's with his werewolf girlfriend. He wasn't going to answer her.

"Whatever, I'll just deal with it later." Selene heard a loud crash coming from upstairs. "Damn it, Brandon, I swear if he broke another thing in this castle. I'm going to beat his ass, I told him, I was being evaluated and to be on his best behavior. But no," She walked upstairs to where all the noise was coming from. "Fuck Selene, Fuck her evaluation, I'm a break shit anyway, because I'm Brandon and I don't give a shit. I'm going to kill him, he's such a-," She dropped her clipboard on the floor.

The walls of the castle were a complete wreck. The spot where Jayden's room used to be was completely destroyed. Water shooting from the pipes from his wrecked bathroom. The damages were enough to bring sunlight into the castle. Vampires were running around frantically trying to get their hands on Sun Repellant so they wouldn't burn to death. Brandon's really outdone himself this time.

"Brandon," Selene yelled at the top of her lungs. "Get your ass in here now." She waited at the hall for him. He rushed over and glanced over at the damages. He shifted his gaze to her. Selene tapped her foot while waiting for his explanation.

"Wait, I didn't do this." Brandon pointed at Jayden's room. "I was in my room, like you told me, I didn't do this. This is not Brandon. Brandon doesn't break things in," He motioned over to a straight line that tore through the ground. "A straight line, that's Fate, I'm telling you it's-," Lord Alexander walked up with a servant next to him holding a clipboard.

"Well, commander, how do you intend to handle this?" Lord Alexander asked, the servant was prepared to give her a strike.

"Brandon, I don't care." Selene rubbed her forehead. "I don't care who did it. The fact is it shouldn't have happened. So, go to your room and I don't want to look at you until I summon you. No more training, No more spending time with Ziek, you just go to your room and stay there and no Angel either." Brandon gasped.

"No Angel," Brandon's mouth dropped. "But, but, but, I didn't do it." Selene pointed to his room. "But, Selene, it's Angel, he's my buddy, you can't take away Angel. Selene," He tried to argue, she pointed again. "But, Selene, it's Angel, he's so fun to hang out with. Especially when it's him and Ziek together. We're best buddies. You can't do this," She pulled out a vial of blood. "But. Selene," She opened the vial. "Okay, I'm going. Don't blow me up." He ran away.

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