Chapter 13

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I was bored today, so here's the next chapter! You'll get three chapters this week instead of the normal two.

Thank you user92949034 for always voting on my chapters! It makes me happy to know you're enjoying the story~

                                       ● Ɲσω Ɓαcк тσ тнє Sтσяу ●

Veronica did not eat much of her Wendy's dinner. She did not even bother to pick the pickles off of her burger, even though she hated them. Her mom questioned her a few times, but to no avail. Veronica would not spill her guts. Even as they walked out of the restaurant, her mind was still all wrapped up with what the Frog Brothers had to say and how Santa Carla had an infamous vampire legend that she knew nothing about. Maybe David really was a vampire and her fantasies were not all that far off? But, what about Max? He worked nights, didn't leave the house if the sun was out, and didn't have a single mirror in his home. Yet there was garlic? What about Lucy and the cookies? Why was she up so late making cookies? And why would a vampire even need to eat cookies if they were supposed to only feast off the blood of humans?

Plus, Veronica knew that Sam wouldn't keep information like that away from her. Would he?

"Veronica, wrong car!" Her mom's sudden shrill yell jerked her out of her thoughts. She looked down at the car handle she had in her hand and felt her face turn red. It wasn't her mom's truck handle, it was some random black Jeep's handle.

"Geez child, where's your mind been at all night? Something didn't happen in the library, did it?"

"No, I'm just sad I couldn't find a book." Veronica mumbled her terrible lie.

Her mom shrugged it off and started the car. When they pulled into the driveway, there was an unwelcoming sight: a black Pontiac Firebird.

"Kirby's here?" Veronica whined.

"Oh! I guess he is. By the way, I gave him your key since school is out. I figured you wouldn't need it. I'll make another spare before September."

"Does he really have to have a key to the house?"

"Veronica," her mother snapped, "I don't want to hear it right now. Check that, I don't want to hear it ever."

"Fine." Veronica curtly responded along with a violent push on the car door, which earned her a dirty look from her mother.

Veronica nodded a hello to Kirby before rushing up to her room and stealing the hallway phone. The wire was just long enough so that she could close the door of her bedroom, but she had to sit right up against it. Right now she was wishing she knew David's number. He acted like he liked her and if he was a vampire, then he should be more than willing to drain Kirby of his blood.

"Hello?" A depressed sigh answered on the third ring.

"Michael? Is Sam there?" Veronica sked, too busy with her own problem to notice Michael's tone.

"I don't know, I'm down in the basement. Hold on a minute." There was a pause before Veronica jerked the phone away from her ear at Michael's loud outburst.

"SAAAM!...He'll be on in a second."

"Yeah...thanks," Veronica stated. Michael did not respond or say anything else. The two sat in silence until Sam's bubbly voice answered. As soon as he picked up, Veronica heard the click of the phone hanging up from Michael's end.

"What has you in such a happy mood?" Veronica questioned Sam.

"I'm just happy you called. What's up?"

"Why are you so happy I called?"

"I don't know, I just like talking to you. So, when are you coming over next? I need to get revenge on you. You can't kill my monopoly family and get away with it!"

"Can I come over now? Kirby's over and I really don't want to sleep under the same rood as him. I also have something to tell you that I don't want him or my mom to overhear. Plus, I need to talk to David."

"Why David?"

"I just...need to ask him about something."

"Whatever, do you want Michael to come and pick you up?"

"He didn't sound very-" Veronica was cut off by the sound of a door opening on Sam's end. There were booted footfalls and a deep chuckle.

"You talking to your girly?" A man's voice asked.

"Buzz off David! Why are you here?"

"Tell her I like her shitty aim. Is she coming over?"

"I said get away! Michael's down in the basement."

"I want to know if Little V's coming over," David said in a serious tone. Sam was silent.

Veronica heard something like a flick and a small "ow" murmured by Sam. "She's not coming over! Geez, get away from me now."

Veronica panicked. "Wait Sam! Ask him if he can give me a ride! I really don't want to spend the night here with Kirby!"

"I'll come over there." Sam suggested.

"It's not the same!"

Veronica heard some struggling instead of an answer, then David's voice spoke with some muffled shrieks coming from the background. "I'll be more than happy to bring you over."

"Thanks!" Veronica's mood instantly changed. "But, um, are you strangling Sam?"

David snorted, "No, I just shoved a kitchen towel in his mouth and put him in a headlock. Just showing some brotherly love." He hung up before Sam could break free and intervene.

Veronica hung up her phone and grabbed her bag she had just collected from Sam's house. Luckily, she didn't have to pack much except some clean underwear. Now came the hard part, getting permission from both her mom and Kirby.

"Hey mom? One of Michael's friends is coming over to pick me up so I can spend the night at Sam's house. Is that okay?" Veronica stopped on the last step and hung on to the railing as she teetered on the edge. Her mom and Kirby were on the couch watching TV.

Her mom swung her head around to face her. "Is it Marko?"

"No mom," Veronica sighed, "it's David."

"Who's this Marko guy?" Kirby grunted, not taking his eyes off the TV.

"No one. Have I met David before?"

"No, and you don't need to. He's just going to wait out in the driveway."

"I don't need to?" Her mom laughed. "How old is he? Is he trustworthy? How does he know Michael? I'm not going to let my daughter go off with some random kid. I like Michael, but Max warned me about his friends."

"Come on Mom," Veronica whined. "He's cool, I just don't want you to embarrass me."

"I'll think about it."

"But he's going to be here any minute!"

"Veronica!" Kirby yelled. "We'll meet this guy and see if we want you going off with him. Now go back to your room, we're trying to watch something here."

Veronica stayed on the step for a few more seconds, but when Kirby looked over his shoulder at her she flew up the stairs. Just after she flopped on her bed, she heard a motorcycle rumble up their driveway. Maybe tonight would be the night that Kirby got what he deserved and Veronica and her mom would finally be free.

☢ ♥‿♥ 𝓣𝓱𝓪𝓷𝓴 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝒇𝓸𝓻 𝓻𝒆𝓪𝓭𝓲𝓷𝓰! 𝓓𝓸𝓷'𝓽 𝒇𝓸𝓻𝓰𝒆𝓽 𝓽𝓸 𝓿𝓸𝓽𝒆 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝒇𝓸𝓵𝓵𝓸𝔀 𝓲𝒇 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝒆𝓷𝓳𝓸𝔂𝒆𝓭 𝓲𝓽 ♥‿♥ ☢

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