10 Years Later

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"Saaam!" Veronica shouted up Max's staircase as she tried to balance two boxes and a bag in her arms. "Don't forget to grab all the stuff from the attic, I'm sure there's some things up there you'll want to take with us."

Marko and Paul walked through the front door looking exhausted. Paul had his long blonde hair tied up in a messy bun with a Twin Peaks t-shirt. Marko had cut his curly hair short and his bangs were sticking out of his backwards red baseball hat. Besides the fashion changes, the two still looked like they did 10 years ago.

Veronica and Sam were another story. Both were 22 years old and major changes had taken place. Sam ended up getting a tattoo on his left shoulder and was rocking some frosted tips on his golden blonde hair. Long lost were Veronica's pigtails and glasses, instead she wore her hair in a long ponytail with contacts that emphasized her almond shaped eyes. She was still short and dorky, but grew into her confidence and toned up her body with her love of running.

Against everyone's wishes, she preferred to run at night when the crowds on the Boardwalk had dispersed and she could watch the stars glitter over the ocean without the worry of bumping into a surfer or group of kids. She had been running since she joined her high school's cross country team and had yet to encounter a stray vampire that wanted to kill her. She knew David and the Boys kept an eye on her, though, while she was out. She would occasionally see their bikes parked in front of a bar or see them hanging out on the Boardwalk, acting like it was a total coincidence that they were there at the same time.

She would miss them.

Her and Sam were taking their relationship to the next level and moving in together. They would still be in Santa Carla, but they wouldn't be in Max's home anymore and would see the Boys even less than they already did. Between work and college, they barely even saw each other even though Veronica had been living with Max since high school.

Cameron still did not know anything about vampires, but had decided to move back to the LA area before Veronica had started high school. Cameron and Marko's relationship had fizzled out quickly, so she had started seeing another man that lived in LA and wanted to move in with him. It had turned into a huge messy fight with Veronica running away for two days and scaring everyone. It was the one and only time David almost cried. She had been safe and sound, hiding out at the Frog Brother's comic book shop when Sam found her and ripped her a new one. After he brought her home, that was when he realized he loved her and wanted her to stay in Santa Carla.

Max and Cameron came to an agreement that through the school year Veronica would live with them and during the summer she would go home to LA. Once Veronica turned 18, she quit driving up to her mother's house. Their relationship was rocky and she discovered it was better when they had some distance between each other. She loved her mom, but being around her too much brought out the worst qualities in each other.

"Is Laddie at the movies?" Veronica asked Dwayne as he followed Paul and Marko inside. Dwayne's style did not change, but his hair wasn't as big and crazy as it used to be. His personality had done a complete turnover, though. Once Star had left, he became Laddie's adoptive father and raised him. He even teared up a little when Laddie graduated 8th grade and made sure to attend every nighttime football game to cheer him on. David mocked him from time to time calling him the PTA Dad.

"Yeah, the little player and his gaggle of girls are off watching Scream 2." Dwayne answered.

"How many girlfriends does he have now?" Sam laughed as he carried boxes down the stairs.

"Last time I heard he was up to twelve."

"I'm so proud of our little player." Paul grinned. He twirled the wedding ring that was on his left hand. Maria and him had been married for almost a year now, but he was still getting used to having the jewelry constantly on his hand. Maria had made the transition to become a vampire and they were living an ordinary, married life. Paul loved it.

"Let's just hope he doesn't get any of them pregnant, I'm not raising any more kids." Max ruffled Sam's hair and grabbed the moving van's keys from the coffee table.

The two were on much better terms than they were 10 years ago, and Sam looked up to him as a father. He would never admit it to him, though. Max ended up selling the video store and was now the proud owner of an IT business. It was a nice change for him, he was able to make more money while creating a more flexible schedule. Most of the companies he worked with were overseas, so he was able to work nights.

Lucy also changed her career from being a stay-at-home mom to becoming a stay-at-home-author. Her son's were unaware of what she wrote, mostly because they hated reading. But both Max and Veronica were well aware. Little, sweet Lucy was quickly becoming a world-famous smut writer. 

"Is Michael going to meet us at our apartment to help us unload the truck?" Sam asked his mother. 

"Yes, both him and Star will be there. David's going to be busy with his new girl, anyway, so no need to worry about any drama happening." She replied.

Michael and Star had ended up moving to Roswell, New Mexico, and had been living there happily for the last ten years. Star, Michael, and David were at the point where they could be in the same room together for holiday dinners, but the three never mingled without other family members present. 

"Ready to hit the road?" Max asked, but did not wait for an answer. He headed out the door ready to move the two and get Lucy alone to brainstorm some more scenes for her novels. 

"Yeah, I guess we are." Veronica looked at Sam and smiled. They both gave the home that cared for them for so many years one final glance before heading off to their new life. Along with moving, they would also be making the transition to becoming vampires.

But what about David? Where was he during this final scene? Why, he was off flirting with a girl who owned a midnight coffee shop...

If you enjoyed this story, I encourage you to take a look at my newest story Coffee House Bunny. It's not officially a Lost Boys fanfiction, but it is heavily inspired by it! Just a heads up, it is for mature audiences only! ~

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