Chapter 35

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Trigger Warning: child abuse and attempted sexual assault

"Hey Mom, I'm home!" Veronica shouted as she walked through her front door. "Oh, and I have a new boyfriend now! Sam finally admitted that he had a crush-" She stopped in her tracks once she reached the kitchen.

"What are you doing here?"

"Waiting for your mother." Kirby stated as he played with a bottle of whiskey. He was sitting at the kitchen table glowering at the Jack Daniels.

"I just know she's out with that Marko kid, isn't she?" His voice was dangerously low and threatening.

"I-I don't know." She began to take a few steps backwards toward the door.

"She said she wanted to break up. Wanted to see other people,' he hissed. "I didn't think she would find anyone else who wanted to marry her whiny, pathetic ass. Guess I was wrong, huh? Didn't think she would go for a little boy. Though. Not only is she a whore, but she's also a pedophile."

Courage surged through Veronica's veins, encouraging her to defend her mother. They did not have the best relationship, but her mom wasn't there to defend herself and Veronica would always love her. There was no way she was going to let some drunken loser speak about her that way.

"Marko's a lot older than you think. In fact, he's older than my mom is!"

Kirby snapped his head around and looked at her with drunken eyes. "How stupid do I think you am..." He scrunched up his face in confusion. He tried to fix the sentence in his mind, but decided to yell at her instead. "I am not stupid! You harlot! You whore! You'll end up just like your mommy."

He attempted to get up, but only managed to stagger a few inches toward her before collapsing on the floor. There was not much whiskey left in the bottle to spill, but he managed to get a few drops on the floor.

"You're the pedophile! Marko is so much better than you!" She decided to metaphorically kick him while he was down and stood over him as she yelled. He was too drunk to run at her, so now was the time to tell him what she thought.

"He's a gentleman and he treats my mom well and he actually likes me and makes me feel loved. You've only liked hurt me. You need to just die or go away forever!"

"You! You need to shut your mouth!" Kirby hollered and pointed a finger up at her. He attempted to get off the floor, but between a hiccup and slipping on the spilled alcohol, he fell to his knees again.

"You're a mess. I don't know why my mom ever liked you. I wish my daddy was still alive so he could tear your throat out!"

"Shut up!" He bellowed from the floor.

'Make me!" Suddenly Veronica felt like she was out of control. She took her metaphorical kicks and turned them into physical ones. Quickly stepping up to him, she kicked him harshly in the ribs. She was wearing her Converse and she hoped the tough rubber toes dug in nice and deep into the muscle. He let out another hiccup, but didn't seem to be injured. Veronica released another kick on his arm, but instead of whimpering in pain like she thought he would, he grabbed her ankle and pulled her down to his level.

"Stop it you gremlin!" He swung the bottle at her face and it bounced off of her jaw, sending the last few drops of alcohol spraying through the air. Tears instantly sprung up in her eyes from the sharp pain and he began laughing like it was the most hysterical thing he had ever seen.

"Gremlin is going to be your new nickname, because you look like one!" This made him laugh even harder and she was able to get her ankle free from his grasp.

"Freak!" She screamed as she got up and ran to the phone hanging on the kitchen wall. The bottle made it difficult to talk, but Veronica pushed through the pain in order to get help. Kirby was still on the floor laughing when Paul picked up the phone on the other end of the line.

"Ye Ol' Maxy residence. How may I be of service to you?" He purred into the phone.

"Paul! Kirby! He threw a bottle at me- help!" She screamed the last word right as Kirby pulled the phone line out of the wall. He still had not gotten up from the floor, but had drug himself across the tan linoleum.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk," he waved a finger in the air, "are you sending out an SOS? You shouldn't do that." He sang.

"Get away!" She attempted to kick him in the throat this time, but he shoved her foot aside and finally stood up. He seemed to be a lot more stable and a lot more angry now.

"Get away from me, you're drunk!" Veronica screamed again as she turned and ran for the front door. Even with his inebriation, he was able to lunge forward and pin her against the living room wall, drunkenly grabbing her throat with one hand.

"You know, for an eleven year old girl, you sure have a bad attitude."

"I'm twelve now you idiot!" She slapped his shoulders and face in an attempt to have him loosen his grip on her throat. He squeezed his hand tighter and she panicked as her breathing stopped. Her hands went from slapping him to clawing at his clenched hand and he slapped her hard across her face causing her head to twist to the side. His insane laughing started up again and he slapped her a few more times, before using that hand to make his way down toward her chest. Her lack of oxygen was causing her vision to grow blurry and she started to feel her legs grow weak beneath her. Before Kirby could touch anything on her, the door burst open. He cursed under his breath and let her go to pick up the nearby rum bottle off of the floor. Veronica slid to the floor, gasping for air, too weak to make a run for it.

"And what the hell do you want, freak!" Kirby yelled as he threw the bottle toward the man's head.

"Little V, close your eyes. This ain't about to be pretty." An excited voice commanded.

Veronica obeyed and slammed her eyes closed and curled into a ball before she could see the flash of teeth and blood spraying through the air. She heard a blood curdling scream come from Kirby, then a sound she could only guess was the noise of flesh being ripped open. Soon, there was the sound of something heavy being lifted and tossed out of the doorway. It landed with a heavy thump outside and Veronica prayed that it was Kirby's dead body. After a few seconds of peaceful silence, Veronica felt a hand on her shoulder.

"Hey, he's gone now," a male voice whispered. When she opened her eyes she saw a mane of golden hair around a familiar face.

"Paul!" She whimpered as she flung her arms around his neck and hugged him with as much effort as she could muster up. He carried her outside into the cooling breeze and placed her on his bike. When she looked around, she saw David's bike, but no David and no sign of Kirby.

Paul read the confusion in her face. "He's getting rid of the body. Dwayne's helping Max figure out a way to explain all of this to your mom. They're thinking of leaving a note in your house from Kirby that says the he decided he was going to move to Texas with some hooker he picked up. Seems believable enough from someone as slimy as him." He gave her a giant smile and another hug as she rubbed the tears off of her face.

"That does sound like something he would do. Thanks for saving me, Paul." She whimpered.

"Slide onto the back and I'll take you to Max's house. Everyone is there and for some reason Laddie seemed especially worried about you. I think you may have made a new friend. Michael will make you something to eat if you're hungry and Lucy's setting up the spare room for you if you want to spend the night."

"Okay." she smiled up at him before moving to the backseat of the bike. She held on tightly around his waist and began to think. She was over David and Sam would just have to suck it up, because as of right now she has decided that she is in love with Paul.

And so it begins again...

☢ ♥‿♥ 𝓣𝓱𝓪𝓷𝓴 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝒇𝓸𝓻 𝓻𝒆𝓪𝓭𝓲𝓷𝓰! 𝓓𝓸𝓷'𝓽 𝒇𝓸𝓻𝓰𝒆𝓽 𝓽𝓸 𝓿𝓸𝓽𝒆 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝒇𝓸𝓵𝓵𝓸𝔀 𝓲𝒇 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝒆𝓷𝓳𝓸𝔂𝒆𝓭 𝓲𝓽 ♥‿♥ ☢

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