Chapter 34

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First Day of the New School Year

"Hey Dwayne!" Michael called as the Boys walked into Max's house. Michael and Sam were slouched on the couch with three different bags of chips in between them.

"Guess what class Sammy is taking this year?"

"Shut up, turd face! I didn't choose to be in it!" Sam screamed at his brother and threw his handful of cheese puffs at him.

"He's taking Home-ec! He's going to learn how to sew, bake, and clean a house. He'll make a wonderful housewife someday!" Michael broke out in laughter with David and Paul. Dwayne shrugged with an uncaring look on his face while Marko sighed at the poor boy.

"I'm sorry dude. I remember when I was forced into that class, too. It was back in the 1950's so it was even worse for a boy to be in that class." Marko sympathetically said as he patted Sam on the shoulder.

"Hey Sam, can you sew up my underwear for me?" Paul said and batted his eyelashes.

Marko squinted at the blonde and frowned. "Leave him alone man! The guy can't help that he got stuck in a girly class like that."

"Maybe he will make us food," David grinned, "or sew our patched onto our jackets."

"Haha, yeah, now that would be totally bitchin'!" Paul high fived his leader.

"Just accept it man." Marko leaned down to Sam's level. "They're jealous so they're going to make fun of you. You'll learn to live with it. Just remember, the majority of the class will be girls which gives you more opportunity to flirt with them all."

David snorted the last of his laughter. "Speaking of girls, how are Little V's classes going? She hasn't been around here much lately."

Sam shoved a handful of chips into his mouth before responding. "Good I guess. I don't see her much now that she's living with her mom again."

Michael sighed. "I can't believe they made up so easily."

"Veronica said she was so tired of fighting and missed her room, so as soon as he left she went back. I'm just glad Cameron kept her promise and kicked him out as soon as he was better."

"I'm not glad I wasn't able to slit his throat open." David grumbled and grabbed a glass bottle of Coke from the kitchen. He popped the top off with his teeth as Lucy walked in from the backyard with gardening gloves in hand and a wince on her face.

"David, you're going to ruin your teeth."

"Think about it Mom," he rolled his eyes in an imitation of a snotty teenage boy, "my teeth are not going to be taken out by a simple bottle."

Veronica sighed at her soon to be step-son. "Veronica's coming over in a little bit, so you can tell her whatever it was you needed to tell her."

Michael looked at him. "What do you have to tell her?"

"Nothing." David shrugged and headed out to the garage to tinker with his bike. The other three boys went outside to smoke cigarettes and observe Lucy's late night gardening project while secretly hiding their cigarette butts among her flower arrangements.

It was less than a half-hour later when Veronica showed up. She had walked over from her house with a bounce in her step and a smile on her face.

"Hey Sam!" She smiled. Ever since Alan and her broke up, she never mentioned the Frog Brothers and tended to be a little bit warmer toward Sam.

"Hey, uh, so David has something that he wants to tell you. He's out in the garage. Don't ask me what it's about because he wouldn't tell us."

"Oh? Well, I have something I want to tell you." She poked him in the shoulder and grinned even wider. "But first, how are your classes? I have a bunch of amazing ones this year! My last hour even has three of my friends in it- Marissa, Jane, and Kennedy. This year is turning out so much better compared to last year."

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