* Introduction *

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[y/n] works in the empires coven She's not a guard but more of a healer for the coven she met the golden gaurd from their since she had to heal him a lot they talked a few times but nothing other than "hows youre day going?" or a "sorry for taking up you're time"

which she didnt mind taking care of his wounds she enjoyed his company even though he was shy but he does make it hard to work when he gets a scar on his face since he refuses you take off the mask but people have their reasons to hide something.

shes also helps with the garden as a hobby her father worked in the garden to make some good pay. Her mother passed a few years ago when she was only so little But she had coped with it through the years.

She turned 15 last year but she didn't really care if she was the youngest person to be in the empires coven besides the golden guard hes only a year older than Me which i didnt really notice till my dad pointed it out

she would always catch The golden Guard looking at the flowers she grew in the garden ever now and then but he would never say anything about it when she asked


okay the [y/n] in this story is female you can change the pronouns if you want but lets get the basics down first

[y/n] - youre name

[l/n] - youre last name

[n/n] - youre nick name

[y/h/c] - youre hair color

[y/h/l] - youre hair length

[y/e/c] - youre eye color

okay i think thats all for now anyway enjoy the story it took lots of work to come up with

My Golden Sunflower [Golden Guard x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now