* Chapter Four *

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The golden gaurds pov 

Today was the day i get to go to [y/n's] house and watch some amiphbia with her i brought some stuff with me so that we could relax and have stuff to do while we watch it or after i brought the sprig plushie of course i stole a grom poster cause i had to find a way into hexside for a mission for belos but i might bring [y/n] with me if shes going if not thats fine 

i brought some snacks i brought an extra pair of clothes incase anything happens to the ones im in and thats it but i do feel like i forgot somthing eh its proably nothing i finally got their i knocked on the door waiting paiently "hey goldie good to se youuuuu-" she got super red and just kept stareing at my face "what is thei somthing on my mask?" she pointed at my face "their is no mask just youre face" WAIT WHAT WAS THAT THING I FORGOT SHOT IM SCREWED SHE WASNT MEANT TO SEE MY FACE

"Well i think you look kinda nice without the mask but come in were gonna watch amiphbia in my room"she was so red that her ears were turning red their house was so pretty on the inside i followed her upstairs i saw a photo of her dad what looked to be mabye her mom and her when she was little i saw more of her baby pictures while we went upstairs they were cute and funny to look at

"okay this is my room you can get comfy where every you want ill be right back" i looked around her room it was roomy and had lots space i saw she had some books around and some figures on her shelves which were cute i decied to sit next to her bed and wait for her to come back

"Okay goldie im back and i brought you a slice of pie ill put some amiphbia " i grabed the pie and took a bite out of it "OMG THIS IS DELICIOUS!!!" i kept eating the pie [y/n's] put the new episode of amiphbia on "glad you liked it i learned it from my mom she taught it to me when i was young" i smiled at her and put the plate down next to me "OMG YOU HAVE A TOOTH GAP" 

oh no she proably thinks it looks ugly "Its so cute give me youre face i wanna take a look at youre face more!!!" she grabs my face with her hands it was like my face started to melt into her hands they were so soft i could be like this for hours "boop" she booped my nose ? she had a cute smile she seemed happy 

i wonder what thats like...

Luz's pov 

i gave [y/n] a grom poster so that mabye she could get her mind off things so she can be back up incase i get freak outed by how pretty amity may look i wonder if she'll come with a date it would be a suprised i should proably find an outift soon since its next week on friday and i know how long it takes eda to find something for me 

"HEY EDA!!!" i yelled so she could hear me "WHAT LUZ" good i got her attention "I NEED TO FIND SOMTHING TO WEAR FOR GROM" i heard her come up the stairs "whatcha worrying for kid you got plenty of time before the dance " she said with a sweet tone "well i know itll take forever for me to decided what to wear !" she gave me a frown "okay kid hold lets go look at the clothes we have and if you dont find anything you can just go pick somthing at the market

Time skip

"UGHHHHHHHHHH WERE NEVER GONNA FIND ANYTHING HEREEEEEE" im never gonna find anything to wear "calm down kid lets just go out and find something " eda pat my head to make me feel better "okay eda lets go try to find something "

[y/n's] pov

 i was admiring all of goldies features he was laying his head on my lap he had fell asleep which is fine i heard some rustling coming from his bag   did he bring his pet or something i tried to reach it with my noddle arms i grabbed it and brought it closer to me and opened it it was a bird?

"why hello their little guy or girl " i gave it some head scratches and it turned over to the sleepy boy laying in my lap "chirp chirp" it jump off my hands and on the boys fore head and started to peck at it "OW OW OW OKAY IM UP!" he got my grumpily and looked at the culprit "FLAPJACK YOU WERE SUPPOSED  TO STAY HOME  WHILE I WAS OUT WITH MY FREIND!" you couldn't help but to giggle at him and his actions "chirp chirp chirp" he got super red all of a sudden 

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