Date With A Bad Boy

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I wasn't sure about this, but I followed Draven anyway. Bao let out a soulful meow like he thought this was a bad idea.

I did too. I'm a good girl. A good girl who brought peace to Piltover and Zaun. What am I doing dating a bad boy? Something like this would never happen in real life.

"Hop on my hog, babes," he said.

"I don't see any pigs. Just a motorcycle," If he thought I was dumb, I'd show him a thing or two.

Draven revved the engine, so I ran to get on back so I wouldn't be left behind. I shouldn't have worried. We just sat there.

"Aren't we going on our date?" He didn't answer. He was looking at his reflection in the motorcycle mirror.

"I'm hot, don't you think?" Draven asked.

I blushed. "You shouldn't ask questions like that on the first date. I'm a good girl."

Then a young man with spiky hair came, carrying a full length door mirror. Kinda weird but when you are bring peace and harmony to other countries, you shouldn't insult their customs.

"It's Draven time!" he announced.

Draven got off the motorcycle to admire himself in the mirror that the kid dutifully held up for him. This was the worst date ever.

"How do I look?" Draven asked.

"Not a hair out of place," the lad answered enthusiastically. "And you're such a bad ass. You put the terror in Rune-terra!"

I could have just sulked, but that's not the way I rock and roll. It was time to spread my cheer and introduce myself to Draven's odd little friend.

I stepped off the motorcycle and walked past the mirror to greet the young man.

"Hey, get out of the reflection!" Draven said. He only wanted to see himself in the mirror. My flowing pink hair was a distraction.

"You heard the man! Move it!" the kid ordered

"Sorry," I said, daintily skipping to the side. "By the way, I'm Seraphine. Who are you?"

"Draven, am I allowed to talk to her?" the young man asked.

"Why not?" Draven answered.  "That way I don't have to."

"Okay," he said. "I'm Draven's Biggest Fan."

"I see," I answered. "But what's your real name?"

"That is my name. I had it legally changed. Why don't we talk about Draven instead?"

"You're shaking the mirror," Draven complained. "Hold it steady and keep on talking about me."

"I don't really know Draven that well," I admitted. "I think I saw him kill some people. That's it. Then he asked me out on a date."

"Me, me, me, me, me,"  Draven sighed. "It's not about you, Sera Sunshine."

"He's right, you know," Draven's Biggest Fan said.

"Well, I don't have to take this," I said.

I spun my Magic Microphone which was created using Hextech technology (in other words, the souls of those creepy scorpion things)  I use the microphone as a wand to channel my awesome glittery powers. Before you could hit Ctrl + Q,  my high note shattered Draven's silly little mirror.

"And I still look good," Draven said to his fractured image.

"Hey Draven," the biggest fan said. "We should get out of here. Demacian soldiers are coming our way."

"Good," Seraphine said. "I'm gonna tell them what a creep you are. You'll never be able to go on a date ever again."

Draven didn't seem to care. He pulled another mirror out of his pocket and was back to admiring himself again.

"What seems to be the problem?" one of the soldiers asked.

"This date sucks!" I told him. "Can you arrest him for that?"

"Who broke that mirror?" the other soldier asked.

"I did, because..."

Before I could defend myself, Garen's mean aunt, Tianna, stomped over.

"You admit to breaking the mirror?" she asked. I nodded as she looked at me sternly.

"Did you know breaking a mirror in Demacia is seven year's bad luck?" she asked me. "And did you know that using magic to break a mirror in Demacia is even longer bad luck because that's how long you're going to jail for?"

"I'm going to jail?" I whimpered. "But this has already been the worst date of my life. I shouldn't have to go to jail too."

"Were you on date with this Noxian scum?" Tianna asked.

"She wishes," Draven chuckled as he lovingly combed his mustache.

"Yes!" I said hopefully. "I was on a date with the Noxian scum. Can I go now? I need to rehearse for..."

"Silence!" Tianna shouted. "Fraternizing with a Noxian carries an even heavier penalty than using magic. Guards. Take her to the dungeon!"

"No!!!!" I cried. "Draven! Tell her that we didn't fraternize, whatever that means. I'm a good girl!"

"Go to jail," Draven's biggest fan said. "Go directly to jail. Do not pass go and do not talk to the great Draven. Got it?"

I was too busy crying to answer. As the guards carried me away, I looked back through my tear stained eyes to see Draven hitting on Tianna. Ewwwww!

I think I cried myself to sleep in my cold, hard cell. I always try to look on the bright side but I didn't see any.

Oh wait. I've learned a valuable lesson from all this.

Never date the bad boy.

That's why I love Seraphine. When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. Or make lemon pie. Lemon pie is yummy.

Even so, things are really going bad for our heroine, don't you think?

I hadn't planned on things getting so dark, but if you're going to write a saga of epic proportions, sometimes the cookie's gotta crumble.

I just hope it isn't too sad. Please let me know what you think. Hardly anyone has commented and I really hope someone does.

What should happen to Seraphine next? I guess you'll have to read the next chapter when I write it.


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