Jailhouse Rock

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I never had a criminal record in my life. Remember how I said I was a good girl? Good girls don't go to jail unless they are tempted by bad boys. Bad boys like Draven.

"Can Bao come to visit me?" I asked the guard but he just ignored me. He probably didn't like cats.

Just when I felt darkness creeping upon my soul, there was a brilliant light. Lux!

"OMG! Lux! I am so glad to see you! I don't like jail one bit."

"I'm so sorry my aunt threw you in prison but she's like that," Lux said. "She wanted to throw me in jail for using magic but I told her that I wasn't going to hide my light back anymore!"

"That is a good thing to tell her," I said. "We should all follow our dreams..."

"...And our light," Lux said. She was finishing my sentences. Maybe we were soulmates.

"My brother, Garen, wishes he could be here too, but he has to get ready to lead the troops against Noxus," Lux said.

Garen is so hot. Maybe he's my soulmate.

"I don't know what you were even doing with that awful Draven," Lux said.

Draven is such a dashing bad boy. Maybe he's my soulmate.

No! No! No! Bad thoughts! Bad thoughts!

"What's going to happen to me next?" I asked. This was no time to think about cute boys.

It's hard not to think about cute boys.

"Well, there's going to be a trial," Lux explained.

"Oh good! I'll get a lawyer who will prove I am innocent and I will get out of jail and perform just in time to stop the battle between Demacia and Noxus! I love it when things happen just in time like that."

"Well, here's the thing..." Lux said. I've never known the Lady of Luminosity to be a downer but it seemed like her light was fading.

"What's the thing? I really need to sing! This waiting is such a cruel sting. I feel like a bird without a wing!"

I wrote that down because it rhymed and it could be some good lyrics for a new song.

"Okay," Lux said. "First no lawyer."

"Why not?"

"Because my aunt says you're already guilty. This trial is just to give her a chance to talk about how you have gone against Demacian values and how no one gets away with that kind of thing."

"That is just awful," I said. I felt like I was losing my voice just like Lux was losing her light. This was the worst day ever.

"I'm going to do what I can," Lux said. "I'm gonna spin my little glow wand and travel all over Runeterra to get people to say good stuff about you."

"Oh! Thank you!" My chirpy little voice got more sing-song and my face got brighter. "Do you think that will help?"

"No," Lux said.

"I think I'm going to be sad again," I said.

"No! Never give up hope," Lux assured me. "Remember, it's always darkest before dawn."

"It's 2:00 in the afternoon!" the guard announced.

"See. We're not even close to darkness!" Lux said.

"Or dawn," I cried. "When is the trial."

"In one hour," the nosy guard who really shouldn't have been listening to our conversation said. That meant I wouldn't even get to see the bright dawn after the darkness. But I wouldn't see the darkness either. So maybe that was a good thing. Or maybe not, because I was still going to jail.

Being in another time zone really made me confused.

"I better get going!" Lux said.

"I'll keep my chin up and my tears back," I said. "I'll try to be happy as a yordle. There's no such thing as a depressed yordle! Right?"

"Um..." Lux stammered.

"It's 2:10! Less than an hour before the starry eyed songstress gets locked up and we throw the key down the toilet!" the guard announced. "I'm so glad I got this watch, Before, I never had anything to talk about."

"Hang in there, Seraphine," Lux said. "I'll be back before you know it."

Lux spun her wand and in a flash of light she was gone, leaving me in the dark cell.

Wow. That was some awesome bright and dark imagery wasn't it? Maybe I should write a song about it.

"It's 2:15!" the guard announced. "Even less time before Seraphine gets locked up when the sun doesn't shine and has to eat a steady diet of gruel and grumbleslugs!"

First thing I'm gonna do when I get out of here is break that guys watch.

Oh no. Things don't seem to be getting any better for poor Seraphine.

I'll clue you in on a little secret. Making bad things happen in stories is what we writers call drama. In stories, you have to have bad things happen so it will be even more awesome when the good things happen.

Whoops! I hope I didn't give out any spoilers.

Just remember, every chapter gets me closer to my Wattys.

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And while you're doing all those things, don't forget to have a great, sparkly day!

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