Chapter 1 - Extra Whip?

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- Cara's POV -

Finally. It's the last day of school, I cannot wait to-
"Cara." My teacher, Mr. Admin says interrupting me from my thoughts.

"Yes, Sir?"

"Would you mind telling the class what I just said?"

"Umm.... Well.."

*bell rings*
Everybody stands up and starts walking towards the exit.

"Saved by the bell! Later Mr. Admin."

"Okay, guys that was the bell, have a good summer vacation!!" Mr. Admin says bluntly as we all exit the classroom.

"Finally, I'm out of this hell hole." I breathe. I go to my locker to retrieve all my stuff, and head out the school. I walk out the school and everybody is gone within' seconds. My phone starts ringing, it's mom.

"Hey mom, what's up?"

"Get home soon honey, we have some news for you."

"What is it?"

"Just hurry home, me and your father are waiting."


She hung up on me. I get in my car and start driving home. When I get home, I walk through the door to find my parents sitting on the couch.

"I'm home!!"

"Oh, great honey, we have to tell you something!" My mom gets up and leads me to the couch to sit.

"Me and your father have decided instead of staying here this summer, we're going to go on vacation!!"

"That's awesome, Mom!"

"We're going to London." My dad says with a smile on his face.

"London?? As in the United Kingdom? I've always wanted to go to London!"

Ever since I was a little girl I have been head over heels for the UK. It's so fascinating I love it over there! I've been stuck in California my whole life sadly and have only been to two other states, one Nevada so that hardly counts. Everybody there is so different and I love their accents! Gosh their accents are amazing talk about British boys I mean they are just-

"I'm glad you're so excited!" My mom smiles at my dad, interrupting me from my thoughts.

"Go upstairs and start packing your clothes Cara! We're leaving early in the morning. Make sure you get a good nights sleep."
My dad comes over and kisses my forehead and my mom gives me a hug. I go upstairs to my room and start packing all the things I think I'm going to need. Then I start with my toiletries, who knows how long we're going to be staying there. I need bathing suits!! I pack at least three different bathing suits so I can go night swimming and swim in general and pack every kind of shoe there is in my closet.

"Okay, I think I'm done."

I put my camera in the small pocket of my suitcase and zip it up. Then I walk to my closet, what little closet I have left and pull out my black 'RAMONES' t-shirt and some white Victoria Secrets yoga pants for tomorrow. I hop in the shower, shampooing my long brown hair. After I'm out the shower I put my hair in a loose ponytail and put on a tank top and some shorts. I double-check all of my stuff to make sure I didn't forget anything. After I've done that I start to go to bed.

As I am trying to sleep I start thinking... Gosh I am sooo excited!! I can't wait to go on the plane and finally be on our way there! I wonder what it'll be like, living, breathing, being in London. Goodbye California!

- 3 a.m. -
*bang bang bang*


"Cara!! Wake up! We have to go or we'll be late for our flight."

"Dad!! Five more minutes, just leave me alone." I start snuggling more under my covers only to have them ripped off by dad.

"No. Now. We're going to be late for London! Wouldn't want that now do we?"

I jumped out of bed, almost falling on my face. "OH MY GOSH!! LONDON!!"

"I kn-"




My dad stands there looking at me like I just murdered my cat.

"Dad get out I have to get dressed, take all my suitcases and go, go get out!"

He grabs all my things as I push him out the room and slam the door in his face. I run to my clothes I already had out, thank the lord and put them on. I go into my bathroom and brush my hair, re-doing my high ponytail that now looked decent from the monstrosity I had before. I took out the makeup that I always carried around and put on some mascara, eyeliner and foundation just to give myself a natural look. I grab my bag and put it in there, grab my phone and charger and put on my UGG boots and run down the stairs careful not to trip. My parents are just finishing up their breakfast sandwiches and toss me one too.

"Thanks! I'll eat this in the car. Let's go!"

We all walk out the house and get in the car. My dad starts driving to the airport. Once we get there and go through checking and bagging it's almost time to leave. Me and my parents are all waiting for them to call our flight and we are about thirty minutes early when I spot a starbucks in the airport.

"Hey, I'm going to go get something to drink, do you guys want anything?"

"Sure, can you just get me a hot chocolate?" My dad asks.

"Make that two Cara." Mom waves me off.

I start walking over there not paying attention and I bump into a person.

"Oh my gosh, I'm sorry I wasn't looking where I was going."

I look up to find a boy staring back at me. He's a little bit taller than me, brown hair with hazel eyes and looks amused.

"Yea, no problem mate." (I know thats not like what they say out there but lets just pretend.)

He smirks walking away. After that incident I go and order the drinks.

"Hi, what can I get you?" the barista asks

"Can I get two grande hot chocolates please?" I ask.

"Sure anything else?"

"Um, yea can I have a large, small, skinny, mocha, frapp with extra whip?" I ask smiling.


By the time I got back it was time to board the plane. Well here we go.

Hey guys!! Um sorry if this chapter was kinda long and boring. It'll get more interesting I promise! Vote! Comment please, and share! Thanks guys :)

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