Chapter 4 - I Heart Alex Grant

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WARNING: Different POVS will be happening throughout the book between characters so if you don't like that kind of stuff you should stop reading. Not yet but they will be coming soon.

- Cara's POV -

As we are walking back to the cafe Marisole starts talking about how sweet and nice Alex is. Even though he didn't even show her the correct directions to the bathroom so I don't understand what she is rambling on about.

"Marisole," I say interrupting her.

"What?" She asks turning towards me.

"Did you ever know of Alex before today? According to himself he is this megastar," I ask as I motion my hands around the word "megastar."

"Well yea, I've seen him on the news a couple of times, but I'm not really into the whole fangirling-over-one-boy thing," She explains while we were walking back to the Cafe.

"Ah I see," I say looking forward.

"Hey, we can just go back to my hotel, I'm sure my parents are probably freaking out by now," I say stopping in my tracks and start walking the other way and Marisole soon catches up.

"Are you sure your parents wouldn't mind? I could just go back to my place now," She says.

"Are you crazy? I just dragged you to chase after some boy we both barely liked, went to his house, while you got lost in the hallways only to find out he's a total pain in your arse now you just want to go home?" I look at her confused.

"That is completely ridiculous I can at least show you the sane side of me before you just leave me all by myself in the city," I ramble on as we walk closer to my hotel, it wasn't that far from the cafe. She starts laughing but I am completely serious!

"And what if I run into Alex again! That would be hell if I just did that by myself!! That would be terrible," I exclaim dragging her into the hotel with me.

"I don't know, I'm kind of shy around people," she says as we get to the elevator.

"Shy? You're joking right? You walked into that boys house demanding Mac and Cheese for crying out loud and you say you're shy??" I look at her with a shocked expression. She smiles at me sheepishly.

"Well you have nothing to worry about, they'll love you," I say as we reach my door. My parents didn't even call me and I was gone most of the day! Some parents they are.

"Mom, dad!! I'm back," I say walking into the main part of the room.

"Cara, finally you're back," My dad says watching tv.

"And you brought a friend?" He asks turning towards me his eyes fixed on Marisole.

"Um, yea! I met her at the cafe down he street while I was exploring around," I explain to my dad.

"Dad, this is Marisole, Marisole meet my dad," I motion them to each other. He gets up and shakes her hand as she smiles back.

"Hello sir," she shakes his hand.

"So where's mom?" I say trying to break the ice.

"She's in the shower," He says sitting back on the coach drinking his coffee.

"Oh okay, well we'll just be in my room if you need anything," I say leading Marisole to my part of the hotel room.

"See it wasn't that bad," I say laying down on the bed.

"Yea, I guess I did pretty good," Marisole smiles at me. I laugh as she lays down next to me and turns on the tv.

"So what are some good channels out here?" I ask her flipping through the channels.

"Well they're mostly all the same, we have E! News here too, but it's called L! News if you want to watch that," She says typing in the channel so that we can watch it.

"Sweet, I love E! News! All the gossip is so up to date I love it," I say sitting up waiting for it to come back from commercial.

"Look! It's back on," I say pointing to the screen.

"Just in: Pop sensation Alex Grant was getting chased down by Paparazzi today when all of a sudden, two girls come to his rescue. They weren't wearing any 'I Heart Alex Grant' T-Shirts and they didn't have their cellphones out to take pictures so it's hard to say if they were another on of his 'Granters'," She says skeptically.

"Oh my gosh," Marisole asks sitting straight up.

"These two mystery girls got Alex out of this mess, but will they be there for the next one? And, speaking of Alex, he is now working on his new album "It's On" and he just realized his first single today!! Check it out, it's almost as hot as he is. I'm Elizabeth, and this is L! News," She says smiling as they go to commercial.

"What the hell," she says looking at me.

"Why are you looking at me??" I ask looking at her puzzled.

"Because you got us into this, now you have to fix it," she says getting up with her arms crossed.

"Newsflash," I say throwing my hands up.

"How are we going to fix it without getting caught by paparazzi again? They're probably all on his butt right now," I say looking at the screen.

"His house!" She says smiling at me.

"He said the paparazzi barely know about it we could sneak back there without the paps trying to find us and-"

"And what?" I say interrupting her.

"What are we going to say once we get there? We just can't show up at his house," I say standing up off the bed.

"We have to do something about it before it gets worse," she says.

"True.." Now I really don't know what to do. If we wait too long it might not die down and it could just get bigger and make the situation worse. And if he isn't answering any of the questions about it they may think he's hiding something.

"So have you figured out what we're going to do yet?" She asks me interrupting my thoughts.

"We need disguises," I say walking to my closet.

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