Chapter 11: It is Up to Us to Survive

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I ran to my brother so I can get Eunji's hand off of him. She threw him on the ground and made her may towards me. I punched her face and it did not affect her.

Everyone else was trying to attack her which does not go well. She threw them like rag dolls which resulted in Joonyeong's glasses breaking. Gyeongsu tried to do a sneak attack on her which does go well.

Eunji turned around and started choking him. Oh hell no, no one is going to hurt my baby. I hit her back with the burning wood. She turned around and started attacking me.

She threw me to the ground while everyone else was shielding around Gyeongsu. "Eunji, why are you doing this?" Jinsu asked her in disbelief since they were friends.

"He sides with Gwinam and he was taking the phones while I was destroying them?" Everyone looked at her in disbelief after she said her statement.

"Eunji, you knew Gwinam stopped bullying people for a while. I forgave him too since he was sincere." Jinsu said, but that made her upset even more.

"All of you leave Daehyun and I alone or else I'll kill you with him." No one moved a muscle and she yelled, "YOU'RE ALL DEAD!"

Namra, Cheongsan, and Gwinam being our saviours fought against her since they are also halfbies. They pushed her off the roof hopefully that killed her for good.

"My god she's crazy." Daesu announced and we all agreed. "Guys, do you hear that?" Namra asked us and we shook our heads no, while Cheongsan and Gwinam nod their heads.

We looked up to see a helicopter flying towards us. We see soldiers coming down from the rope. Once they reached the ground, they pointed their guns at us and told us to get on the ground.

Once we were on the ground, the soldiers were checking our temperature and it was normal. But once they checked Cheongsan, Namra, and Gwinam's temperature, they were below temperature and were given foil blankets.

When the other four soldiers came back with Mr.Lee's laptop, they told us to get up so they could take us to the quarantine camp. They told us they will take us to the helicopter one by one, so we suggested that Jimin go first.

They strapped her up and one one the soldiers gave the all clear to bring her up. We are smiling knowing we are finally getting out of this hell hole but that all changed when he is coming back down.

"What's going-" "GET BACK!" We all got scared again, and the soldier who told us to get back sounded familiar.

Long story short, they left us behind, even if I was begging them to bring one of us with them, and that person being Gyeongsu.

Then I felt water on my face and the ground was now wet. Great, it's now raining. It gave the others an excuse to cry after everything that has happened.

"What are we going to do now?" Onjo asked and I decided to give her an honest answer.

"It is now up to us to survive after the soldiers left us behind. We need to work together to survive." They all agreed and we started to make a game plan.

I know we will survive this mess together and I will make sure that happens.

a/n: i feel like I should get a dollar for the amount of times I said "on the ground"

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