Chapter 1: Shadow Over Hoth

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Elise was sleeping. She was always and usually asleep. She wasn't too much of an early bird. Only for missions and advanced training sessions does she wake up very early in the morning. Suddenly, she heard a voice call her out of her sleep. She woke up to see her father, Hunter Arwen. His robes identify him as a Jedi, a guardian of peace and justice.

"Time to get up, Elise." Hunter said, "You slept in... Again."

Normally in the old Jedi Order, love wasn't a thing. Except now, the Jedi Order isn't so hypocritical. Jedi can have families, and any person, no matter what age, can be trained to become Jedi. Elise got up, feeling all groggy inside. She quickly got on her robes and grabbed her standard lightsaber.

"Coming, dad." she said as she walked out of the door.

She turned to see a staff-like object strapped to Hunter's back. Very few Jedi, the most trusted of Jedi in fact, can wield advanced lightsabers. In Hunter's case, it was a lightsaber spear. Hunter was a master in form II, Mikashi, the perfect lightsaber form for spears.

"Do not lose sight of the mission, my young Padawan." said Hunter.

"Alright, got it, dad." said Elise.

The two headed to the Jedi Council chambers. There were probably more than at least less than a dozen of masters in here. She only recognized a few of them. Jedi Grandmaster Sycard was a human, and had a standard lightsaber and preferred form IV, Atura. Master Olivian was a Kel Dor, he had a lightsaber staff, a double-edged lightsaber and preferred form VII, Vaapad. Master Buru was a Besalik who wielded two lightsaber staff and preferred Jar'Kai. 

"We're here, masters." Hunter said.

"We have received Sith sightings on the snow planet, Hoth." said Master Sycard, "We're sending you two to go there and confirm them."

"Good, then we shall be on our way."

Elise was very nervous. She had heard of the Sith before. Dark warriors who believe that peace is not even a word. They were formed about a few decades ago by the Lord of the Sith, Darth Blackous. No one so far has fought him, and even if they did, they so far haven't lived to tell the tale. He has been told to fight like a psychotic man. 

"Come on, my young apprentice." said Hunter, "I'm sure that we'll be back soon."

"Y-yeah.  We will." said Elise.

They were soon out of the Jedi Temple.  It was beautiful here, on Tython.  It was the homeworld of the Jedi Order.  The Jedi moved back here to restore their connection to the Force.  The Jedi Temple was built within a mountain.  A waterfall went down in front of it.  The two Jedi were about to head in their Jedi ship until they heard a voice call out. They turned to a man with a sharp-colored coat and combed black hair. It was Aaron, Elise's brother, and two of his friends, Marvin, a Togruta, and Bone, a Wookie.

"Aaron!" she said, and took off at Aaron's direction and hugged him, "I missed you SO much!"

"Missed you too, sis!" grunted Aaron from the impact.

Elise hasn't seen her brother in many years. She was so happy to finally reunite with him again. Elise giggled when she saw that Hunter was deeply surprised to not only see his son again, but to also hear him offer him and her a lift to Hoth. Hunter accepted it and they began their journey. The Raider, Aaron's ship, hovered upwards. They then made their entrance into hyperspace.

20 minutes Later...

Soon, Hoth was soon in their sights. They pulled themselves out of hyperspace. They saw the snowy planet and saw as its stormy blizzards hit its mountains as they entered its atmosphere. They soon touched bottom, they found a man in a winter suit.

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