:if they were with a reader with stretch marks:

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A/n: FEELING INSECURE AGAIN, WOOO, also need requests. also ALSO, go check out my Kirishima x reader book! workin' hard on it so I would appreciate it if you take some time to just read the first chapter.

Izuku Midoryia:

He adores your stretch marks. He actually has his own scars. When he had to train up so fast with All Might, he got some muscles. It was too fast for his body though, so he has a couple of stretch marks, not to mention the battle scars he gets from training.

All in all though, while cuddling, he loves to trace his fingers over your stretch marks. It kind of relaxes him if he's overthinking or something.

And if you're insecure of them, then be prepared for Izuku to go full on and just have a heart-to-heart conversation with you.

"You shouldn't be worried about that kind of stuff. These stretch marks you have? Their just a sign that you've lived, and I think that in its self, is what makes it beautiful. Especially on you." -Izuku buns

Katsuki Bakugou:

Literally doesn't care. He knows you have them, but like, honestly who gives a shit? Your stretch marks don't bother him or you, so why should he care?

But if they do bother you, Katsuki is very (surprisingly) patient. He will listen to you, and why you don't like them. He'll be there if you need any from if comfort. He would have to take an hour to himself afterwards, to write down every reason you shouldn't be ashamed of your stretch marks. He will come back and give you the list, while telling you why you shouldn't be ashamed.

"Stretch marks are a natural thing that most people get. And I like them, so, there's literally no reason for you to hate them." -Katsuki Bakuhoe

Shoto Todoroki:

Like Bakugou, he doesn't care. Like, he doesn't really know what they are. If he did, he would just think their battle scars, like his scar.

So you would have to explain it to him. And if you told him you were insecure about them, literally, he's so confused.

"You said the scars are just from muscle fat? Than you shouldn't be insecure of them. They re like my scar, I my not love it, but it makes me, me." -Shoto Todolcutie

Eijiro Kirishima:

Loves them. Period. For him, it's just like having freckles, or a beauty mark. It adds character.

He loves to kiss them, like while cuddling or watching a movie, just a random peck. He knows stretch marks are frowned on, but he still loves them. But if you start feeling insecure, he'll get all serious.

"You shouldn't think that way, it's totally unhealthy. You shouldn't let society deem you ugly because of them, because you're beautiful! You just need to realize that." -Eijiro Kiripima

Denki Kaminari:

He absolutely loves your stretch marks. They remind him of his quirk, like lightning bolts. It's like a mark or something that shows that you are his, even if he didn't make the mark.

You were especially insecure since Denki seemed to be a womanizer at first, but he seriously isn't. He just loves boobs and woman, but he's not like Mineta, he wants an actual woman, not an object. And you having stretch marks just shows him you're a real woman/man.

"Hey angel cakes, you shouldn't be so hard on yourself. You're hot as hell! Don't forget it okay?" -Pikababe

Hanta Sero:

He doesn't mind your stretch marks. He didn't even know you had them until you two were cuddling and he felt them. You kind of had to tell him what they were, because he's never heard about it before.

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