:when they give you their jacket:

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Izuku Midoryia:

You and Izuku were walking together to the dorms building from the convenient store. You guys had bought snacks for the movie night happening.

"I kind of hope we get to see the All Might documentary." Izuku admitted.

"Haven't you seen that like a thousand times?" You giggled.

"Maybe, but it just gets better and better every time I watch it." Izuku smiled with a blush on his face.

You two continue to talk, until it started snowing.

"Woah, it's snowing!" You beamed.

"Yeah.." Izuku looked at you nervously, seeing you had no jacket on.

Izuku immediately took his jacket off and handed it to you.

"Wha? I'm not even that cold, don't worry about it." You try to give it back to him, but it was already in your hands.

"But you'll get cold. Please, just, wear it. I don't want you getting sick.." Izuku murmured.

You smiled and put the jacket on, kissing his cheek afterwards.

"Thanks Izu, you're the best boyfriend I could ever have." You said.

"O-O-Oh! Really?! We-Well that's very n-nice! You're the best partner I-I could ever ha-have as well!" Izuku started stammering and blushing like crazy while you just giggled.

Katsuki Bakugo:

You two went out for a walk, like you usually do. You both just like walking in silence, sometimes holding each other's hand, Bakugo ranting to you and you venting to him. It's really nice. Today the weather said it would be cooler, but you were so sweaty from training that you decided not to wear a jacket. Sadly, after ten minutes of walking you were freezing.

"Idiot, I told you to wear a jacket." Bakugo grumbled as he felt you shiver.

"It's whatever, I'm not that cold anyways." Your teeth chattered, making it dead obvious that you're cold.

Bakugo growled under his breath and ripped his jacket off.

"Here. Take it." Bakugo shoved it in your arms and continued to walk.

"Wait- I can't take this! What about you?" You ask catching up to him.

"I'm fine. I'm not some weakling, I don't need a jacket." Bakugo said.


"No, keep it, before I change my mind." Bakugo growled.

You smiled and put the jacket on. You intertwined your hand with his.

"Thanks Bakugo, I love you."

"Tch, love you too. Idiot."

Shoto Todoroki:

You and Shoto just bought some cold soba and we're waiting for the bus back to the dorms. It sadly started to blizzard and you didn't take a jacket.

"Y/n, you look cold." Shoto stated.

"I-I a-am." You shivered.

Shoto tilted his head, and a idea popped into his head. Shoto opened his jacket.

"Here." Shoto blushed.

"Hm? Wha- What?" You hummed.

"You can share the jacket with me. I can also heat us up." Shoto suggested.

You blushed and scooted into the jacket. Shoto zipped up the jacket and the both of you sat in silence. You than felt the warmth coming from Shoto's body and you laughed softly.

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