meet my boyfriend

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It was finally morning. Time for my sister's to meet my boyfriend. Which they already pretty much know him so hopefully they approve. As usually our morning Routine we both woke up ans thanked God. He gave me a hug and kissed me on the forehead. Ahhh guys didn't i say that WAS WAY TO EARLY- looks like it wasn't early for him hehehe..and it was the way he appreciated me so much. He told me that he loved me and it was just so cute. He took such good care of my aunt and his mom. I loved that so much. My aunt asked if I was ready for the big day today. I was nervous. But happy. While we were getting ready I asked him to pull up my hair so I could take a shower. He put it up perfectly and gave me another kiss on the forehead. I know I said it was too early but I could get used to this lol 😆! My sweet auntie had this cute pink outfit for us. I had a pink dress and he had a pink suit. Perfect to meet my sister's. We put our outfits on, took some pictures and we were on our way. We told our mom and she was so excited. She didn't want me to be sad but wanted me to be happy. This brought a smile to her face and she really supported our relationship. Now it was time for my sisters.....this is gonna be very interesting so ladies and gentlemen grab some popcorn. The way he treated me like I had high maintenance was so cute! He opened the door for me. Held my hand while I got in the car and at every red light he starred at me and smiled 🥺 this was definitely a beginner thing. We're was the catch ? What was the hook? This probably ain't gonna last long but the key was God.

We finally arrived to where my four sisters were staying. Kendalle (the oldest), Jordan (the third oldest), teeTee (the second youngest, and nyah the youngest. My other older sister wasn't very much in our life. She was more to herself. We finally arrived. I was quite nervous.
"We got this!" Said Timothy. We held hands together and  walked to the door and rang the door bell. I took a deep breath. "Girls, look who's here!" Said my aunt. All of my sisters ran down hugging me expect for one...teetee. Teetee always had something to say. She could never just love me or hug me. She hated me so much and I never knew why. "What are you doing here?" She asked. "I have something to tell you guys." I said. "Tim is that you!?" My oldest sister asked. "Yes, hey kendalle!" Said Timothy. All my sisters gasped and shocked and hugged him too. Except know butthead party popper teetee. My aunt ran in and hugged me to."Well what yall doing out here, its cold. Come on." Said my aunt. "The shoes go here. Can't have the house dirty." Said my aunt. That's what I couldn't stand about her. She was such a neat freak and had so many rules. We all sat at the table. My aunt had some green bean casserole cooking up and in the kitchen. My aunt Tia had no children. She had a husband but he cheated. "Okay well. Where do we start. Auntie tia as my sister's know this is my best friend Timothy. I knew him since the 5th grade and since we're back in Chicago I ran into him in an inconvenient way lol. But anyways the point is I've been feeling different about him and so has he. And about 24 hours ago we decided to become a um thing. Like boyfriend and girlfriend. And as my aunt and as my sister's. I wanted your consent and I wanted to know what you thought about it. Auntie Keyanna already said yes about it, mom said yes about it, his mom said yes about it, and now it's up to you guys." I said.

"I start first, please if you all don't mind. Timothy this is my baby sister. I knew this day would come. I'm not gonna lie i was anxious because I didn't know who the person would be but know that I know who it is. I feel so much better. She'd getting in a relationship with an amazing person and so are you. I ask that you guys will please treat each other right. And Tim, if you need a older sister to lean on. You got me." Kendalle said..
"I'm so glad that you came and told us. That shows how important we are to you that you even ask for your own sisters consent. I really wish that Keisha was here so you could tell here the good news but she's doing her own stuff. What happened to dad has been crazy. And being happy right now means the world to me. Your my bestfriend. I know that you both will treat each other right. It is and will always be a yes from me. You being happy makes me happy. Congrats sis." Said Jordan.
"Would dad approve of this? No. What type of sister gets in a relationship one week after dad's passing. That's cold. That shows you never even truly loved dad." Said teetee.
"Excuse me teetee? You know what I'm so sick and tired of you. You have been on my butt ever since I was born. Am I not enough for you?everything that I do is wrong. And you don't tell me that I don't love my dad because I do. And a matter a fact dad WOULD approve of this. Teeniyah Johnson! Hmm you have different last names than the rest of us i wonder why! Dad even said if me and him ever got in a relationship he would support it and be a dad. So why? Why does everything i do cocern you. Why do you hate my every move. If anything your little miss imperfect but you try to act perfect. I would litterly trade you for any other sister in the world. You hate me with all my guts. Why teetee, WHY?" I asked. Okay I know what your thinking. Maybe I went to far. Nobody knew this but teetee had a different dad then all of us. Teetee and my other older sister Keisha share the same dad. My mom met their dad in junior year in college after my mom and dad broke up. And they had Keisha. Then after my dad chested on my mom. My mom decided to get back together with their dad again and had her..teetee. nobody knew about this. Only I did. Because mom told me. When Keisha ran away. Plus I was listening to my mom on the phone with their dad. Or so I thought that was their dead. At least that's what I heard.
"You know?" Teetee broke down in tears. And ran upstairs to her room.
"I'm sorry guys. I just..I couldn't take one more of her insults...especially my dad. I think it's time for us to leave."
I ran to the car and my boyfriend took cover from me there. He spent time with my sister's and aunt for me. And went upstairs to talk to teetee.
"Hey teetee, aunt Tia made some green bean casserole. Decided to get you a plate." Said Timothy. 
"Thanks tim. I'm sorry for acting like that about you. I just...I- I don't know." Said tee.
"Hey its okay. I was just wondering. Why do you hate Makayla so much?" Timothy asked.
"I- I don't hate here. It's just she has everything. She's perfect. And knowing that she has a different dad then me hurts me. I overheard my mom on the phone when I was little and it sounded like she said me and Keisha have different dads. Or something like that. So ever since then I started hating her. She had a dad, she knew her dad. I didn't. SO if I knew that I couldn't have my real dad I would try and make her life miserable the most, since she was the next oldest to me. It was just particular here. I don't know why, i just wanted to hate her because I couldn't love myself and wanted to blame someone for all of this." Said teetee.

"Hey its okay. You heard all of these things. You dont know if it's true. The only thing to do know is ask your mom and talk to your sister. Yall both just lost your dad. Wether your related to him or not. The best thing to do is to come together, love one another, pray, and be sisters." Said Timothy.  While giving here a hug.
"Thank you Tim. Thank you so much. I will. I really will. I always felt like I had nowhere to go too but now I feel like I do." Said teetee.
" of course! While I should get going." Said Timothy.  Timothy greeted my family goodbye. And packed a plate of green bean casserole for me. "Here you go, bae." Said Timothy. BAE? - did Timothy just called me bae like as in b a e love bae. Like the BAE. I blushed. "Did you just call me bae?" "Is it too soon?" Timothy asked.
"I mean no, uh not at all." I said. We're we moving to fast? Was this a good relationship? I didn't know. As we were driving back to my aunt keyianna's house. Timothy told me. "You should really give teetee a try. Talk to her. I understand what happened. You just got tired of all her stuff. And you went full blast mode. It's okay. Try and talk to her and apologize and figure out this sister thing together, hm? What do you say?" Timothy asked.

"I'll try, Tim. I'll try." I told him.

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