a little pov from my sister's

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    KENDALLE JOHNSON 💕I am 26 years old

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I am 26 years old. I am the first born out of six girls..including me.I've had it rough. Came from litterly nothing...nothing at all. But hey the struggle is real but so is God. He has always made a way. Finding out my dad passed has really broken my world. But God has been healing my wounds and I have been trying to be an amazing example to my sister's and getting my life together. Keisha was my best friend since we were babies. I guess all of a sudden she grew out of our friendship. I don't know what happened but ever since three years ago she ran away and i haven't heard from her since. I recently purchased my new apartment! And I was so happy 🥺🔑! It's a little something for my family. To put a roof over my head and I thank God. I really wanna go to college to get a degree I'm cosmetology it's one of my biggest dreams!

 I really wanna go to college to get a degree I'm cosmetology it's one of my biggest dreams!

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My name is Keisha. I am 24 years old.I'm the the second oldest out of six girls including me. I feel like an outcast. Three years ago I overheard my mom on a phone call which seemed to be my "biological dad" ever since then I felt hurt and betrayed. All my sisters had the same dad and I didn't. I felt like I didn't belong so I decided to run away and cut of all contact. I was homeless for two weeks but then prostution caught up with me. I made alot of money doing that so then I went up to the west coast and moved to Los Angeles, California..I've made big money and live in a mansion..litterly. I sell drugs. Lots of drugs. It isn't clean money but im loving the lifestyle. Why have "love" when you have money. Well at least that's what I think.

             JORDAN JOHNSON💕

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My name is Jordan. Im 18 years old and I'm the third oldest out of six sisters including myself. I've always been the chill, low key sister. I stay to myself. My sister's can be full of drama. I love color. And I love drawings. I'm planning on going to college after senior year to major in art! I can't wait. I have a boyfriend of five years. His name is Kyne. Produced kind but with a y and the e is silent lol. My dad's passing was shocking I really loved him. I have so many questions that need to be answered. I just wished he wouldn't have cheated with that girl and that he would have gotten his life together...him and my mom were truly mean to be . And when he did that, it truly broke not only my hurt but others too. I'm trying to forgive but I definitely can't forget. God definitely is my best friend and plays a MAJOR ROLE in my life. My biggest concern right now is growing close with God, finishing highschool, and being there for my sister's even with all their drama.


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Well yall already know me by know 🤪! But let me reintroduce myself. My name is Makayla also know as "kk or kayla"! I am 17 years old and i am the fourth oldest sister out of six girls, including me.I moved to New York with my mom after her and my dad broke up and for better opportunities. I found out my dead got shot and killed in a Bodega and passed away. His body is yet to be found to this day. So me and my sisters moved back to Chicago to get away from reality. There at my best friend again, Timothy. AND we fell in love and became a couple 🥰. God has been a major factor in my life. I am nothing with God. He's My bestfriend and if God wasn't here I wouldn't be here either. Life would be MISRABLE and HORRIBLE without God.

 Life would be MISRABLE and HORRIBLE without God

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My name is Teeniyah mostly know as "teetee". I am 15 years old. I'm the fifth youngest out of six sisters. Including myself. One of my bestfriends is God and my youngest sister nyah. We do everything we're litterly just two years apart. I remember hearing a call thinking that my dad wasn't my real dad so I started being bitter to my sister Makayla just so I could have someone to blame. Turns out I was wrong. And ever since then that burden has been released from me. My sister Keisha was there that same day. I just can't wait to tell her the truth she'll by so happy but she'll regret the times she missed once we tell her dad's dead. I miss my dad. He made lots of mistakes but he was an amazing father. And I appreciate him for that. I'm planning on growing a close relationship with Jesus, being in sports, and getting my life together. It's time for healing. It's time for a new Era. It's time for change.


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My name is Meenyah but I'm also known as "meemee or nyah" personally I liked to be called nyah. I am 13 years old. And I am the youngest out of six girls including me. I was the last product of my mom and dad. And my dad unfortunately got murdered and passed. His body yet yet to be found 😪and I take deep respect with being the youngest. Even though I was the youngest I know my dad would me to be the "biggest" so that's what im gonna be. I'm gonna and do and be the "biggest"

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