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SCHEDULE for this book and others like it

So this book (Three Souls ~ Hunter X Hunter Soulmate Book) and my 2 Avatar: the last Airbender soulmate books and 1 Legends of Korra Soulmate Book are not going to be scheduled out.

There not going to show up on any scheduled with my other soulmate books.

These books are following the episodes of the show and with that, that takes a bit more time to do so. It's also when I can sit back and watch the show and write chapters for it.

So I will only be posting chapters out when I can get a chapter out.

So please, please don't beg for updates. I feel bad when I can't update for you all and with these books it's harder to get a chapter out to you all.

I will like to state that there will be more soulmate books that follow the series. There will be more then just

Avatar: The Last Airbender
Legends of Korra
Hunter x Hunter

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