Chapter 4 Fell Hard

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Note: so note here, please understand that my oc can hear out of her right ear still, it's not great hearing in that ear, but way better than her left ear. She does wear hearing aids and that helps her very much, BUT I want you to remember, if I say ‘said’ for her, she is also signing most of the time when she speaks. Almost all the time when she speaks, she signs out.

Note: some teachers in this book know sign language

Chapter 4 Fell Hard

Third person pov.

Freya raises her eyebrow as she sees Jim and Toby place their ears close to the amulet. She was going to say something to them, but she didn't want to scare them.

That didn't work though, a few seconds of the boys waiting for something to happen with the amulet; their school bell goes off scarring the living shit of them.

Both of them screamed and fell back again. Hearing the school bell reminded them of running so late for it.

“What!? What’s happening?” Freya snaps out shocked, confused and worried of what had happened to cause them to act that way; to make them fall back again.

She steps over towards them, but before she could even take five steps to them, she’s ambushed by Jim who grabs her arms softly and rushes her to her bike.

Freya gets the memo of what's happening and doesn't say anything then getting on her bike and riding off towards her school.

Unknowing to her and her friends, they were being watched the whole time. The beings that feared the sun were only able to watch the three behind bars in the safety of the shade and darkness so they were not seen by any humans or touched by the sun.

The six eyed troll saw the whole thing go down. They saw the long boy scramble around when the amulet picked him; they saw the girl who spoke and waved her hands around and they saw the big kid faceplant on the ground and yell out to no one. He had watched the two boys get scared when the bell went off; and the girl shuffled around confused about their actions.

The last thing he saw from the three rushing off with the amulet.

“It chose a human?”

Time skip.
Third person pov.
At school.

“The Peloponnesian War was actually three wars fought between Athens and Sparta. The first war is known as the Archimedean War”

Freya reads semi alongside her teacher Strickler. She could semi-hear him, with the clicking of the keyboards and him walking around a bit, she was having a hard time trying to fully understand some of the words or sentences he said to the class.

Luckily though one of the things the school did to help aid her with her hearing problems was giving her a seat close to the front or a front seat; but they also gave her the lesson written down for her, everything she would need for the lesson is printed off on paper that is then given to her at the start of the class.

Strickler walks over to Freya's desk as he speaks and he taps on it to get her attention as he adds this part in, “Type that into your search engines. A-R-C-H-I-M-E-D-E-A-N.”

This action got both Freya and Claire Nuñez action. Freya looked up at him with an raised eyebrow since she had missed what he had said, and without waiting Strickler signed to her with what he had said to her before.

When Strickler saw his student nod her head and go back to the computer in front of her, he moved down the small walkway and continued his speech. 

Freya turns her head to Claire when she knows he was a bit away from her and raises her eyebrow again at her friend. Again, she was already having a hard-ish time following along with him, and with his ‘help’ she got even more confused even though she nodded her head at him. She's pretty sure she's ahead of him in his lesson, but she has no clue now. He messed her up a bit, even though he thought he was being helpful to her.

Claire shrugs her shoulders, “I'll help you later, if you need it” she signs to her.

She went back to work to her computer and typed down what he had wanted of her. After typing on what he had told her to, she went back to reading the lesson he had given her so she could try to finish it before the bell rings for the next block. 

Across the room sat Jim and Toby.

Toby taps his fingers onto the keyboards as Jim sits there with his arm propped up on his desk and his chin resting in the palm of his hand as he stares towards Freya with a love sick gaze.

Jim Lake Jr. didn’t know when he fell for his best friend, but he did and he fell hard, really hard for her. He can hundred percent say that he loves her at this point. She is the love of his life, the person he hopes to end up with.

Toby says it had to be third grade when Jim fell for her, but Jim thinks it was sooner than that, maybe second year of school, in October, but he has no clue fully when he really fell for her.

He just now needs to work on telling her that he loves her more than just friends; even though he technically already tells and shows her how he feels for her because he sucks at hiding his crush for her. Especially when others come in and flirt with her. Jim has another kind of level of jealousy because he's so wrapped up in his mind of not trying to let her know he has crush on her that he ends up showing that he likes her, but like any oblivious teen by love, Freya never clues in on the death glares Jim give to the people that flirt with her, she doesn’t see or understand why Jim’s acting so weird, nor does she see or understand that Jim likes- no loves her.

Those moments when she has to hit Jim or give him a look to stop him from being weird ‘jealous’, she doesn't know he's being jealous because he's so in love with her and he's worried that the person standing there making her laugh would take her away from him. Worried that she would love them and not him. 

To say the least, she doesn't even know the person flirting with her is flirting with her. She thinks they're being nice most of the time so she doesn't think anything of it.

But Jim doesn't know this, and he's stuck worrying.

I hope you like it.
I’m sorry for any short chapters.
I'm also sorry for any bad grammar or spelling errors.
I would very much like to say thank you for taking the time to read my chapters, I really appreciate it. 
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The list

Spiderman (All Movies, all Spidermans), Iron Man, Thor, Captain America, Venom, X-men, The Avengers, Guardians Of The Galaxy, DareDevil, Jessica Jones, Ultimate Spiderman, Doctor Strange, Ant-Man, Agent Carter.

Batman, Superman, Young Justices, Teen Titans.

Anime shows.
Blue Exorcist, Black Butler, The Host Club, Yuri on ice, RWBY, Haikyuu!!, Demon Slayer, Hunter x Hunter, Love is War.

Animation shows (that don't know where to place)
Trese, Arcane, Gravity Falls

Avatar: The Last Airbender, The Legend of Korra, ROTMNT.

Tv Shows.
Supernatural, The Vampire Diaries, Pretty Little Liars, Brooklyn Nine-Nine.

The Hobbit, Marvel, DC, Joker, Star Wars

You can request whenever you want and as much as you want. I will try to get every single one written for you. I may not do some and that would be either I can't see myself being able to write it or it makes me uncomfortable.
I don't judge.
BUT I only write for Female readers or OC, not Male readers or OC.
I write x readers. GirlxGirl, MenxGirl.
Again I DON'T write for Male x readers or oc.
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Hope you are having a great day or afternoon or night time.

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