Chapter 3 What The He-

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Note: so note here, please understand that my oc can hear out of her right ear still, it's not great hearing in that ear, but way better than her left ear. She does wear hearing aids and that helps her very much, BUT I want you to remember, if I say ‘said’ for her, she is also signing most of the time when she speaks. Almost all the time when she speaks, she signs out.

Chapter 3 What The He-

Third person pov.

Freya bikes as fast as she can with a smile on her face. She was having fun even though she knows that she’s rushing off to school, but the sun and wind hitting her face was waking her up even more; especially the biking and the bumps she was taking, it’s making her feel more awake and alive.

With Jim biking beside her; on her right, she was able to hear what he was saying a bit more clearly than before. Her right ear is really the only one that lets her hear others and herself. She doesn't really need to wear hearing aids for the right ear, but she does since her left ear needs it and it helps her out even more, so she just wears both. “Don't you ever want a little more excitement?” It especially helps when Jim’s talking louder.

She raises her left arm up, “Yes, for more excitement!” she yells out in excitement and cheerful.

Her voice, excitement and cheerfulness got Jim’s attention. He looks over to her and smiles as he sees her smiling happy face, it makes him happy and cheerful inside to see her this way. With the burst of these feelings filling his chest, he bikes even harder to… get rid of the feelings.

Toby chuckles and shakes his head, “No. No excitement”

Freya went back to holding her bike with two hands and paying more attention ahead of herself than what her friends were saying. She had seen the stretch that takes them to the canal jump and needed the attention on that so she wasn't to hurt herself again, and she wanted to take this jump without hurting herself. She doesn't need to end up going to the hospital then school, both places are the worst.

After a minute, it was time to push off and take this jump into the canal. She went flying in the sky and for a few seconds she felt like she was flying; she felt powerful, until she was falling down and skidding onto the hard cement wall.

Doing this for years now, she had stopped her bike smoothly without hurting herself like she did when she first did it.

That day was a tragic day for the three of them, they were banned from that area for a bit… and she was semi hurt… but did that stop them from going there? No, not really. They just snuck around until they were allowed back there without being worried of getting in trouble.

There was really only one time the three of them got caught playing there when they were not allowed. They were grounded for a week.

Freya was out of breath a bit, but she liked it. She felt happy.  “That was fun, and we should still have time to get to school on a good time” she said looking at Jim who was looking around him with a confused expression.

Freya didn't hear the voice that spoke Jims name out. Jim sure did. The sound of everything else around her made the voice drown out. So when she looks over to Jim with a big smile on her face and sees a confused, puzzled Jim; it instantly makes her confused and worried over him. All she knew was that he was fine a few seconds ago when they were biking and now he's looking around them with a confused/worried face expression. “Jim, you ok?” she asks. “What's wrong?”

With no response back from him and him just getting off his bike, she follows suit and gets off her bike too. Placing her bike down, she goes to go to him to find out what's wrong with him. "Jim…?" She mumbles out.

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