Dead Man's Wrath PT. II

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It was dark in the cave, not to mention damp as well. Water dripping from cracks in the ceiling, insects slithering and chittering, particles of dust everywhere.

Luckily, his Eye Augments and Rebreather aided him greatly. Humming a tune to himself as he wandered in the cave, listening and searching for anything that might help him find his objective faster the ground suddenly shook.

His feet started digging into the ground while mechandrites latched themselves onto the walls to keep himself upright.

The shaking then halted. The techpriest sighed in relief. What caused that rumbling? An Earthquake? He paid no more mind to it. He was safe atleast, and the cave didn't crumble which would have caused a cave in.

He continued walking torwards the last place he heard the groaning from. It had strangely gone quiet after he engaged those Toinian mercenaries.

He stopped. He looked around him and found something interesting. A large patch of rocks bigger than him that looked slightly discolored, with small cracks along the edges. A normal person would have missed it, he wasn't normal.

He walked up to it, then proceeded to slam the blunt edge of his Omnissian Power Axe at the base of the patch, it cracked into multiple pieces then fell, making dull thuds as the pieces of rock hit the ground.

Inside was a large cavern with a giant hole streaming light from the top. It sure as hell didn't look natural. He looked down at what appeared to be a giant crater, said crater had a drop pod.

It wasn't just any drop pod. It had the markings of the Imperial Insignia and Aquilas, along with a strange marking, a Large white scar with small stars littered around it.

It was certainly too big to be that of  space marines, much less a Guardsman drop unit. And it certainly didn't look like any standard desings.

What could be in it? A lost STC? Weaponry? He slowly approached it, he then rapped the "door" with his knuckles.

The pod suddenly started shaking. The techpriest cursed colorfully as he narrowly dodged the massive door that blasted out.

He carefully peeked through the now gaping hole in the pod. Inside he found the last thing he expected. A dreadnought, a Siege dreadnought to be exact.

It looked like shit, with multiple scars and rents through it's thick armor, said armor being unpainted. It was armed with what appeared to be a large bronze flamer, with large grills on its barrel, with what appeared to be small auto bolters attached underneath. There were hellraiser missle launchers on top of it's chassis, along with a heavy machine bolter on a pintle mount next to the cockpit. It was also equipped with not the standard Siege drill dreadnoughts of this type usually wielded but rather a large brutal looking brick, the brick seeming to have a large dented metal plate with brutal spikes sharpened to the point of being able to cut a man who would even lightly touch them attached to pistons.

It was either dead, or, still in it's slumber.

He remembered a short passage from a book explaining about this planets wildlife and history that his servo skull scanned and uploaded to one of his 13 or so hard drives.

'Golems are hard to kill, needing multiple teams of cannons, or blessed weapons to take one down' it said, he knew that the AT cannons the Levitans had were far superior than black powder cannons and could probably take down a golem single handedly. But there were to be dozens of golems, far more than what their 10 cannons could handle, and since  there were only 5 stationed at Sturmhill, with the others still at the camp, their firepower was cut in half.

But this dreadnought could greatly boost their ranks. If it would answer his call, or if it was even alive in the first place.

He cracked his metallic neck, it was going to take a while.

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